53. Vision

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Everly nervously tucked the locket beneath the collar of her suit as she hopped over the railing to stand beside Steve. She glanced over at him to see the same stoic expression painted across his face. She would never understand how he was able to remain unshaken in even the darkest of situations.

"Two minutes." He said through his earpiece and turned to look at his friend. "Stay close."

The two made their way into the lab whose walls were composed almost entirely of windows. Everly's eyes scanned each room in awe of the technology within. Finally, they came to a single metal door at the end of a long hallway. Her breath hitched in her throat as Steve pushed through to the trashed lab on the opposite side. A hole was blown in the far wall and sparks rained down onto the tile floor. Glass fragments sprawled out across the ground, and people lay thrown all about. Everly's eyes grew wide as she rushed over to the first man she saw and pressed her fingers gently to his neck. Her heart sunk at the feel of his cold skin, beneath which was not even the slightest throb to indicate any sign of life. She stood back to her feet and her gaze landed on a woman across the room who sat leaned up against the wall. 

"Dr. Cho!" She exclaimed as she hurried to the woman's side. Steve rushed over as well. A large, open wound spread across her chest and Everly wasted no time grabbing a cloth from the counter above and applying pressure. A sigh of relief pushed past her lips as the doctor drew in a deep breath.

"He's uploading himself into the body." She explained as blood trickled from the cut across her cheek. Steve knelt down beside the women and listened intently. 

"Where?" He questioned. Dr. Cho shook her head lightly and he began to stand to his feet when she latched onto his arm. He turned back to face her expectantly.

"The real power is inside the cradle." Everly frowned, still concentrating on the heavy rise and fall of Helen's chest beneath her hands. "The gem, it's power is uncontainable. You can't just blow it up. You have to get the cradle to Stark."

"First we have to find it." Steve returned, his eyes flicking between hers.

"Go." She breathed, pushing the pair away. Steve stood to his feet and pressed a finger to the device in his ear as he hopped through the hole in the wall. 

"Did you guys copy that?"

"We did." Clint confirmed. There was a few seconds of silence, with only the pounding of Everly's heart in her ears before he spoke up once again. "Right above you, Cap. On the loop by the bridge. It's them. Got four with the cradle, one in the cab. I could take out the driver."

"Negative. That truck crashes, the gem could level the city. We need to draw out Ultron." Everly bounced on her toes a few times, her eyes flicking between the quickly approaching truck below them to her friend standing just beside her. "Ladies first." He grinned once the truck was beneath them. She scoffed, but pushed herself over the ledge regardless. Her feet dented the roof of the trailer as she landed, sending a sharp pain crawling up her shins. She cringed as Steve rolled to his feet beside her with a clang. 

"Leave me alone!" Ultron's chilling voice shouted. Steve dropped over the back, hanging onto the edge of the trailer when the doors burst open. The shield on his back slammed against the exterior wall and he swung the door back around. Everly's eyes widened in shock when an explosion ripped both doors from their hinges, sending Steve into the air. He crashed against the trailer's metal ramp that scraped against the concrete behind the speeding truck.

"Well, he's definitely unhappy." Everly groaned as the wind whipped through her hair.

"I'm gonna try and keep him that way." Steve added.

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