50. The Endgame

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Everyone cringed as a loud ringing noise filled the room. Everly covered her ears and shook her head lightly.

"Worthy..." A new voice groaned, sounding almost like a zombie. Her gaze snapped up from the floor to see a busted iron legion suit clanking into the room. Tony had created loads of the robots to help out on missions, and many of them had been damaged during their most recent. However, he controlled them. The left hand was missing and much of the surface metal was absent from the suit as well, revealing the tangles of wires that lay beneath. It left a trail of dripping oil as its metal feet scraped against the ground. Everly quickly stood from her seat and everyone stared oddly at the rogue machine. Tony scrunched up his face and cocked his head aside questioningly. "No." It slowly spun around to face the group. Bits of the mask had been scratched away, etching an eerie expression into the metal. "How could you be worthy?" The low, mechanical voice grumbled as it waved the stub of its arm toward them. "You're all killers." Everly's blood ran cold.

"Stark." Steve interrupted warily, his eyebrows knitted together. 

"Jarvis." Tony said with wide eyes as the suit looked around the room.

"I'm sorry, I was asleep. Or I was a dream."

"Reboot Legionnaire OS. We got a buggy suit." He peeked down worriedly at the small control device in his hand.

"There was this terrible noise." The suit continued as he held an arm up to his face. "And I was tangled in... In..." He looked down at himself. "Strings." He paused and Everly's face softened in the slightest. This was way more than a buggy suit. It was like a person standing before them. "I had to kill the other guy. He was a good guy." He stated simply.

Everly's eyes widened. "You killed someone?"

"Wouldn't have been my first call. But, down in the real world, we're faced with ugly choices."

"Who sent you?" Thor asked. Tony's voice soon played from the suit and Everly looked over at him. He shifted on his feet uncomfortably.

"I see a suit of armor around the world."

"Ultron." Bruce concluded as if it was supposed to mean something.

"In the flesh." The suit returned quickly. "Or, no, not yet." He looked down upon himself once again. "Not this chrysalis. But I'm ready." From the corner of her eye, Everly noticed Thor's grip tighten on the handle of his hammer. Agent Hill discretely cocked the hammer of her pistol, gradually standing from her seat. Everly's heart quickened as she stood straighter and slipped her heels off. Steve peered down at her questioningly and she briefly met his gaze, letting out a deep breath before her eyes fell back to the busted iron legion suit. "I'm on a mission."

"What mission?" Natasha asked hesitantly.

"Peace in our time." Ultron grumbled. Everly jumped as a suit shattered through the glass wall on either side of him. Steve stomped on the edge of the coffee table which brought it up to block he and Everly from the force of the suits. The pair were thrown backwards across the cool tile floor as gunshots rang through the air. Everly dragged herself off the ground just as Rhodey was thrown to through a window to a lower level. Bruce and Natasha leapt behind the bar as Thor whacked one of the suits with his hammer. The second suit slammed into her, sending her crashing into the wall across the room. She groaned and rolled over to see Tony on the ground beside her.

"Care to explain?" She winced and once again clawed her way to her feet. Stark glanced around the room with wide eyes as his chest heaved.

"Uh... I'll get back to you on that." He hurried as he rushed away. She rolled her eyes and jumped back into the fight. A suit whizzed by overhead and she ducked just on time to avoid its dangling legs. Steve clung to its back throwing punches before he was slammed into the wall and thrown to the floor at her feet. She frowned and ran forward, pushing off the bar with one foot and launching herself at the flying bot that had began shooting at Natasha and Bruce as they made a run for it. The last thing they needed was for Banner to get angry. Her feet landed in the center of its back, shoving it forward to where Tony leapt onto its shoulders from above.

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