20. God of Hammers

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Everly's eyes scanned the woods around her seeing no sign of Steve. She groaned in annoyance and slid the parachute from her back, starting through the trees. Aside from the crunching of leaves beneath her feet, it was eerily quiet considering the situation at hand. She jumped as Tony landed beside her and slid to a stop, tossing the blonde man away. 

"Nice of you to drop in." She mumbled.

"Do not touch me again." The stranger growled as he quickly returned to his feet and glared at the pair. He had a strange accent, much like Loki's. Must be and Asgardian thing. 

Tony's face mask flipped open. "Then don't take my stuff." He replied simply.

"You have no idea what you're dealing with." The man grumbled, tightening his fingers around the hammer.

"Uh... Shakespeare in the park?" Everly quipped, looking around the clearing in the woods once again.

Tony took a step forward and held a hand out for dramatic effect. "Doth mother know you wear-eth her drapes?"

"This is beyond you metal man. Loki will face Asgardian justice."

"He gives up the cube, he's all yours. Until then-" Tony's mask slammed shut. "Stay out of the way." He turned around and began walking away. "Tourist." He threw over his shoulder. Everly cringed. She'd only known Tony Stark for maybe an hour, and it was already abundantly clear that he didn't know when to shut up. The cape-clad man grunted, chucking his hammer into Tony who went flying backwards, knocking out a few trees before finally coming to a stop on the ground. Everly looked from Tony to the Asgardian with wide eyes and watched as the hammer found its way back into his hand. She let out a nervous chuckle as he eyed her next. 

"We're all friends here right?" He launched his hammer at her next. She ran forward and slid on her knees as it whizzed over her head. Still in the path between the hammer and it's owner, she was once again in the way as it came flying back toward her. She flipped backward over top of it, just narrowly avoiding it's path.

"Duck." Tony said from behind her. She dropped to the ground as he fired a blast into the blonde's chest. Stark shot forward, landing his foot to the god's face. He had dropped his hammer, but it quickly flew back to his hand. He held the hammer in the air and lightning reached down to touch it. He redirected the lightning to Tony, who held his hands in front of his face out of instinct. A few seconds of this went by before finally the flow of electricity stopped. Tony slouched and stumbled forward, his suit sparking. But he quickly shot another blast, this time bigger than any other. They both flew through the air and clashed into each other before shooting through the sky. Everly watched in awe as they disappeared above the trees.

She dropped her arms at her sides and sighed. "Okay, I'll just be here..."

About 30 seconds later, the pair came crashing to the ground again, bringing a large tree down with them. None of this fazed them however. The blonde punched Tony in the face, and caught his fist as he tried to return it. Stark swung with the other arm, only for that one to be caught as well. The metal of Tony's suit crunched beneath his hands and Everly knew she had to step in. She rushed over, kicking one of the man's knees out. He fell to a kneeling position and Tony was able to fire a blast in his face before head butting him. The man tipped his head back and rammed Tony, sending him crashing through the woods.

Everly swung at the man a few times, most of which he dodged easily as he dealt a few punches of his own. He landed a fist to her gut and she doubled over. He brought both fists down on her back and frowned as they were met with the clang of metal. Everly jumped to her feet, still struggling for breath, though she spun in the air, delivering a kick that sent the man backwards into a fallen tree. He wasted no time in climbing to his feet again. 

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