39. Smithsonian

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Steve sighed and adjusted the baseball cap on his head. Everly glanced over at him before looking up at the museum towering before them. At the entrance was a large sign regarding the opening of the Captain America exhibit. People funneled through the doors, most of which were dying to see the new addition. 

At one point, she had known nearly all there was to know about Steven Grant Rogers. Now, even she could learn from what made the history books. She started up the stairs, but turned around to find that Steve was frozen in place.

"Are we doing this or what?" She joked. His eyes flicked to her and he managed a small smile, following her to the entrance. Everly looked around her in awe of all the history that surrounded her. Her eyes wandered from exhibit to exhibit, finding it hard to take in just how far the world had progressed. Steve paused for a moment, and she looked to see what he'd spotted. Her eyes grew wide and her mouth fell open slightly. There were two large banners painted with Captain America's face. Beyond them was the exhibit dedicated entirely to the star spangled man. The first words she saw, 'Welcome Back, Cap.' A lump formed in her throat as she peeked up at her friend, whose eyes were glued to the door through which people flooded.

"A symbol to the nation. A hero to the world." A voice filled her ears as her feet carried her deeper into the exhibit. She stared up at the saluting painting of Steve and a proud smile graced her lips. "The story of Captain America is one of honor, bravery, and sacrifice." He kept his head down, his hands buried deep in his pockets as he gently brushed past her. All of the walls were covered with bits of his life, and pictures to match. One photo caught her eye however, and she made her way over. It was a black and white picture of 'Pre-serum Steve,' Below it, a picture taken moments after the serum. She tilted her head to the side, sending him a goofy smile as he walked up behind her.

"Denied enlistment due to poor health, Steven Rogers was chosen for a program unique in the annals of American warfare. One that would transform him into the world's first Super-Soldier."

"Sometimes I forget." She said quietly, gesturing to the photo of a much smaller Steve. He chuckled nervously and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Me too." Everly took a step back and grinned as children excitedly ran about. A pair of screens to her left showed a life-sized picture before the serum, and changed to an after photo. She stared up into the blue eyes of the picture, remembering how long it took for her to get used to doing so. She spun back around to see Steve smiling at a young boy across the room. The boy wore a shirt with a Captain America shield on the front. His eyes were wide in realization. Steve brought a finger to his lips and the boy slowly nodded. Everly smiled and made her way back over to her friend before they continued through the exhibit. 

Her eyes flickered to Steve walking beside her, and she couldn't quite tell what he was feeling. It hadn't even crossed her mind how strange it must be to take a stroll back through your life. To have it on display for all to see. He came to a stop as a film played out on a small screen. Beside it was his old motorcycle. She ran her fingers gently along the front wheel and let out a deep breath. 

The hallway-like structure of the exhibit opened up into a larger room. One of the walls was painted with a huge mural of the Howling Commandos, an American flag as the backdrop. Each of their uniforms was set out on display in front of it, including Steve's. The sight almost took her breath away, her mind flooded with memories she didn't even know she'd lost. 

"Battle tested, Captain America and his Howling Commandos quickly earned their stripes. Their mission: taking down HYDRA, the Nazi rogue science division."

Her breath caught in her throat and her eyes fell to the tile floor beneath her feet. The chattering of the crowd before them seemed to fade into oblivion. She let out a shaky breath and stood up straight, turning and walking to the next display. But this one made her feel no better. Her heart sunk to the floor at the picture of Bucky before them.

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