28. Harley

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An odd sounding alarm filled the air. Everly scrunched up her face as freezing wind whipped past her. She coughed a few times, inhaling a deep breath before her eyes fluttered open to reveal the starry night sky above her. Looking around, she immediately noticed that she was cradled in Tony's metal arms. She peered down at the void separating them from the ground and her eyes widened. 

"Tony." She rapped her knuckles against the metal mask that covered his face. There was no response. She knocked again and his head bobbed.

"...Oh hi Evelyn." He said groggily. She sighed in relief.

"Alright, kill the alarm. I got it." He mumbled.

"That's the emergency alert triggered by the power dropping below 5%." Jarvis answered. They began their descent toward the ground and Everly found herself wrapping her arms tighter around Tony's shoulders as her stomach dropped.

"Oh!" He exclaimed as they neared a car driving down the road. She squeezed her eyes shut and a metal hand found its place cradling the back of her head. He turned so that his back would be the first to collide with the road. The incoming car swerved just on time to dodge them as they connected with the pavement, sparks flying in all directions. After a few bounces, they hit dirt and slid for a ways, smashing into countless trees before finally slowing to a stop. 

Everly slipped from Tony's grasp just as he landed face first in a snow bank. She hesitantly opened her eyes and let out a cough, rolling to her back. The freezing snow stung the exposed skin on her arms and began to soak through the back of her shirt. But she couldn't find it in her to care. She sucked in a deep breath and watched as snowflakes danced through the air. Finally, she clawed her way to her feet, ignoring the pain that erupted all throughout her body. She hobbled over to where Tony laid on his back panting. Sparks sputtered from the suit and the glowing circle on its chest sent a flickering cone of light into the air. She wrapped an arm around her ribs and gently tapped him with her foot.

"You alive?" She breathed.

"I don't know yet... Gimme a second." He groaned, prying the mask from his face. The warmth of his breath froze into small puffs of air above him. "It's snowing right? Where are we, upstate?" Everly looked around at the layer of snow that blanketed the ground. The freezing air sent a chill down her spine and she began to shiver as a few snowflakes landed softly on her eyelashes.

"We are five miles outside of Rose Hill, Tennessee." Jarvis replied simply.

"Why?" Everly huffed, staring down at Tony.

"Jarvis. Not my idea. What are we doing here? This is thousands of miles away!" He shouted. "I gotta get Pepper. I gotta..."

"I prepared a flight plan. This was the location." Jarvis responded as Tony continued mumbling to himself.

"Open the suit." He demanded.

"I-I think I may be malfunctioning sir." Jarvis's voice crackled. 

"Open it J." Everly took a step back as the suit fell open with a mechanical whir. Tony groaned and was quick to sit upright. He took a few deep breaths and shuddered at the cold that embraced him.

"That's brisk." He rubbed his hands together, cupping them over his mouth and breathing into them. He was desperate for any bit of warmth he could muster.

"Maybe I'll just cozy back up for a-"

"I actually think I need to sleep now sir." Jarvis faded out. For some reason, Everly felt sad. He wasn't even a person and yet, she was sad for him to go.

"Jarvis." Tony paused. "Jarvis? Don't leave me buddy." He shook his head lightly and glanced up at a freezing Everly. He popped open a compartment in the suit and retrieved a strap from it. He attached the strap to the suit and stood to his feet, taking in the winter forest around them. Tony took a step toward Everly and dropped the end of the strap in her hand. "Here." He said, beginning to walk away. She stood where she was, looking at him oddly. He turned around when he realized she hadn't moved. "Are you coming or what?" He asked annoyedly.

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