11. A Hero's Return

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"Senator Brandt, I regret to report that Captain Steven G. Rogers went missing behind enemy lines on the third. Aerial reconnaissance has proven unfruitful. As a result, I must declare Captain Rogers killed in action. Period." Colonel Phillips sadly relayed his message to a man stationed behind a type writer. Peggy stood in the doorway listening and waited until he was finished to enter.

"The last surveillance flight is back. No sign of activity." She dropped a few papers on the table and the Colonel dragged them closer.

"Go get a cup of coffee, Corporal." He demanded, plopping a photo on the table atop the papers. Colonel Phillips looked out at the camp, pondering his next move.

"I can't touch Stark. He's rich and he's the army's number one weapons contractor. You are neither one!" He turned to Peggy, a look of disapproval taking hold of his features.

"With respect, sir, I don't regret my actions. And I don't think that Captain Rogers or Miss Walker did either." She glanced down at her shoes.

"What makes you think I give a damn about your opinions? And that's another thing, how the hell did you manage to let a civilian jump out of a plane into the middle of a war zone? I took a chance with you, Agent Carter. And now America's Golden Boy, and a lot of other good men are dead 'cause you had a crush." He sighed inwardly, resting his hands on his hips. Though the loss weighed heavily on her, she didn't regret any of it. Those men would likely have died anyway had they done nothing.

"It wasn't that. I had faith."

"Well I hope that's a big comfort to you when they shut this division down." He snapped, oblivious to the commotion sparking around them. Soldiers ran through the camp shouting in excitement.

"What the hell's going on out there?" He growled, leaving Peggy to her thoughts as he left to investigate the disturbance. She soon followed.

"Look who it is!" A soldier yelled from the crowd that had gathered.

Everly stood at Steve's right and Bucky on his left. Behind them were all the soldiers of the 107th. Some carried Hydra weapons, some rolled up in HYRDA tanks, but each and every one was accounted for. Some of the men were injured and needed help to walk, but they were alive and that was more than anyone could have asked for. As they approached the camp Everly's eyes widened when she noticed it's inhabitants had all gathered around. They split into two groups, an open stretch for the incoming regiment paved down the middle.

She glanced up at Steve, exhausted from the painstakingly long walk. She was more than happy to be back in civilization. Her feet were killing her and her legs felt weak, ready to give out at any  moment. But his face remained stoic as he continued his march. The soldiers of the camp clapped and cheered upon seeing Captain America alive and well. He looked over to Bucky and they both grinned, Everly following suit. He really was getting the welcome a hero deserved. He marched straight up to Colonel Phillips and stood taller to salute. 

"Some of these men need medical attention." He spoke, wasting no time in getting straight to the point.

"Medic, we've got wounded." A voice called from the crowd. Some men rushed forward and whisked the injured away to the medical tent to be examined. Everly flinched when a hand touched her shoulder. She spun around and her expression softened at the sight of a nurse standing behind her, a worried look flashing through the woman's kind eyes as they flicked to her blood-soaked sleeve.

"Oh, that's okay I'm fine." Everly protested as politely as possible, her opposite hand rising to cover her shoulder. She turned back to the Colonel as the nurse reluctantly moved onto the next soldier.

"I'd like to surrender myself for disciplinary action." Steve said confidently. She looked to him in confusion. He saved all these men; for that he should not be punished.

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