25 1/2. No Sandwich Left Behind

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Everly squealed as a blindfold was slipped over her eyes. 

"Oh you're fine." Tony's voice sassed. 

"What are you doing?" She asked annoyedly, trying to move the fabric from her face. He swatted her hands away and she groaned

"Up, come on. Get up." He avoided her question, helping her up from where she sat at the table. He grabbed her arm, beginning to lead her away.

"Wait!" She slammed on the brakes, turning around and holding her arms out, blindly feeling for the table. 

"Oh my god." Tony sighed and ran a hand over his face as she finally found the other half of her sandwich. She turned back to where his voice had come from and took a bite of her PB&J, missing her mouth the first time.

"Okay, let's go." She mumbled. Tony rolled his eyes and grabbed onto her free arm, leading her again. Eventually, she had finished her food, and he let go of her arm. This left her to rely entirely on the sound of his voice for navigation. She lagged behind him a ways, holding her hands out in front of her as feelers. Though she was fairly familiar with the room, it hadn't yet been entirely committed to memory. Soon enough, she rammed her toe into something hard and hissed in pain.

"Ow, Tony!" She froze, not knowing what she had kicked and not wanting to go any farther. He spun around and smirked.

"Step." He said plainly.

"Yeah, I got that. Thanks." She retorted, lifting her foot higher than necessary to scale the step. She continued on, slowly but surely, listening carefully as Tony rambled on. She heard what sounded like a heavy door sliding open, and kept walking.

"Wall." Tony deadpanned as she ran face-first into the doorframe. She heard him chuckle and she groaned, bringing a hand up to meet the sore spot on her forehead. Her hands fumbled with the blindfold and she yanked it from her face.

"Damnit Tony." She hissed. Her eyes widened as she looked up at the sight before her.

"Yeah. You're welcome." He folded his arms across his chest. Before the two was a suit set out on display. It was a blue color, almost like that of Steve's suit. Red bands wrapped around the legs in multiple places, and white lines created intricate shapes in the fabric. Black knee pads, and fingerless gloves also adorned the suit. A black belt wrapped around the waist, a white star in the center of the buckle.

"You made this?" She walked over to the display, examining the suit up close.

 "Yep." He replied confidently before pausing. "Well, with the help of my old man from beyond the grave." 

Everly turned around, her face scrunched up in confusion. "Howard?"

"I found the sketches in one of his journals." He shrugged. She smiled faintly and ran her fingers gently over the material of the suit.

Tony cleared his throat. "I made a few changes of course." Everly nodded silently and continued to stare at the suit before her. A silence settled between the two.

"You know he looked for you?" Tony finally spoke, standing straighter as he dove his hands into his pockets. Everly froze and her heart leapt to her throat.

"What?" She said quietly. Her hands began to tremble.

"He never did forgive himself for letting you go." Everly shook her head softly. Her heart ached knowing that Howard thought he was to blame for all that had happened. She hadn't even considered how he must have felt about the whole situation. She had always assumed that nobody looked, that no one cared.

"He came so close, thought for sure they'd caught up to you." 

"Tony." Everly tried to silence him, holding back tears.

"And they had. Only thing between you was a brick wall." He scoffed. She turned around and looked to Tony with sad eyes.

"Thank you... for the suit." She said in a shaky voice as she brushed past him out the door.


Hopefully you guys aren't confused. I wanted to have things explained in a way that wouldn't just flat out say what happened. But in case you are confused; this actually connects to way back when Everly was with Hydra and she was shoved into cryo in a hurry. The base was under attack, and it turned out to be Howard and his men. They were looking for her, but because she was hidden away, they only came painfully close.

I hope that cleared things up for anyone who's confused. :)

As for the suit, I know that I personally have trouble imagining things like that in stories, even when given a description. So, I drew what I wanted her suit to look like. Now hopefully it's easier for you to picture Everly in it.


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