Chapter 4- Mr. and Mrs.

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This next part is for you @1DShaytards! You might be happy or sad. Lol

"I know pronounce you Mr. and Mrs. Lucas Pemmings."

(A/N- Emphasis on the P)

We kissed and I felt so happy.

I wanted to be with him forever.

We pulled away and for a second I had forgotten there were about 200 people watching us.

I smiled innocently when Luke bit his tongue and I shook a finger at him.


"If we were to have kids what would there names be?" I giggled, we were at the hotel.

"Well I wouldn't know what to call a perfect child." Luke moved his hand through my hair.

"Well nothing really goes with Pemmings! Seriously Lucas why couldn't your last name be at least Hemmings! Anything but Pemmings!" I laughed, sitting up and throwing my hands in the air.

"Hey, at least it's not Butler!" Luke smirked.

"Oh that's it!" I pushed him off the bed and he picked me up, bridal style. He walked over to the balcony and pretended to drop me.

"Lucas Pemmings! Put me down!" I screamed. I didn't care who heard me.

"No thanks! Not until you say 2 words!"

"But I love you is 3 words!" I scrunched up my nose in confusion and he laughed.

" But You and I are together." He put me down and kissed me.

"Forever" I whispered.
A/N- So that was my fail at being romantic! lol it's short and fluffy but I kind of like it. I'm crazy.

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