Chapter 25- Boy Bands & Aunt Ryan

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special guest appearance: Ryan Kinleigh Butler from Dream Adoption! All credit to @1DShaytards for this character! Special Christmas Eve update!

"Oh, it's good to be home!" I squealed, dropping our bags by the door. Yes, I loved Idaho and being with my family but being home is quite nice. Oh yeah, and my oldest, adoptive, sister Ryan came to stay with us for a while. Ryan and I had always been close growing up and my kids adored her.

"Ugh. Emmi your place is so cute! You actually decorate! You should see my house." Ryan awed at our home.

"Ryan, I've seen your house before. It's wonderful. Here, I'll show you to your room." I lead her to our guest room where she started to unpack. Leaving her to get settled, I headed downstairs.

"Hey Addy." I said, but she didn't answer. She was too busy listening to music. I pulled out her earbuds. "What are you listening to?"

"5 seconds of winter." Addy answered.

I laughed. "That reminds of a boy band that Aunt Ryan was obsessed with; 5 Seconds of Summer."

Just than Ryan burst into the living room. "Did I hear 5 Seconds of Summer?"

I nodded and Addy laughed.

"Ohhh! I finally found someone who understands about boy bands and fangirls!" Ryan walked over and put her arm around Addy.

Ryan pulled out her phone. "See, that's Luke, and that's Ashton. They are madly in love."

Addison looked confused. "They are?"

Ryan wiped a fake tear. "I wish. Anyways, that's Michael, he's the one with the crazy hair. Than there's Calum, the Asian."

Addy studied the pictures. "He's Asian?"

Ryan wiped another fake tear. "Sadly, no."

Shaking my head, I left the room to answer the phone.

"Honey it's Mom, um I-I well."

"Mom, what's wrong?"
"It's your Dad..."

"Is he sick? He looked fine at Christmas."
"Well, h-he-he has um-"

A/N- Hate me yet? Haha my first real cliffhanger!
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Wait! Before I go, the Character Ryan is from @1DShaytards book Dream Adoption and it is very funny and good so do me a favor and check it out! I know I said I wasn't going to update during Christmas but who cares.

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