Chapter 10- Like the old Days!

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"This is just like the old days!" Daxton laughed.

We were wrestling on the trampoline, and even though Dax is younger he was winning.

"It is." I sighed, sliding off the trampoline.

"It feels good to get away from all the drama!" I said to no one in particular.

Daxton laughed and ran to catch up with me. "Emmi, you're talking to yourself again!"

I waved him off and headed inside.

I grabbed a water bottle and someone tickled me.

"Hey it's your favorite lawyer!" Ryan was staying with us for a little. You know to get ready for the case.

Or nah.

"Whatever!" I smirked.

"So ready for the case on Friday?" Ryan asked.

I swallowed some water. "Ready as I'll ever be"

Ryan laughed and gave me a reassuring smile. "You'll be great. Don't worry I'll get your Addy back."

I nodded and went to my Dad's office.

"Hey Babytard"

"Dad I told you not to call me that" I laughed, I didn't really mind though.

"Hey you may be growing up, but you'll always keep being my babytard" Dad kissed the top of my head.

I shook my head. "Whatever helps you sleep at night!"


"Hey Em I think we should talk about the case." Ryan pulled me outside.

I was curious. "What's there to talk about?"

"Well I uhh just-"

Then he kissed me.

And it felt so right.
A/N- My little babytard is falling in love! ~ again.

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