Chapter 24- Have A Very Merry Christmas!

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shaytards christmas special book style...

"Mom he is being so annoying!" Addy whined pointing towards Asher. We were in the airport, waiting for our flight to Idaho. We were visiting my parents for Christmas.

"Asher, knock it off." Ryan scolded him and he sheepishly sat back down.

We had only been in the airport for about an hour but it felt like forever. This was Annie's first plane ride and to say she was excited was an understatement.

"Mommy is the plane here now?" Annie whined.

"Annie, not for about another hour." I answered and Annabelle groaned.

"Come on Belly, let's go get something to eat." Avery held out her hand for her. She gladly accepted it.

"I'm going too!"  Andy yelled, and Asher got up too.

"Addy go with them please." I asked, looking at my teenager.

"Nah, I'm good." She answered, texting on her iPhone.

"Addison, please." I hand her a 20 dollar and she jogs to catch up with her sibilings. Leaving me and Ryan alone. Stop thinking that way because I know at least one of you readers are, we are in an airport!

"What are we going to do with Addy?" Ryan asked and I shrugged.

"Her attitude used to be cute, but now I'm not so sure." I said and he nodded an agreement.

"We should of never have bought her that phone." He smirks.

"How about when we land the phone goes straight to us? Just for the holidays." I suggest and he smiles deviously.

"I like it!" He wiggles his eyebrows and I laugh.

All to soon, the kids are back, with a but load of junk.

"We got candy!" Annie squeals and stuffs some M&M's into her mouth.

"I see that." I laugh and Addy hands me the change.

"So Addy, your Mom and I have decided that as soon as we get to Idaho, the phone will be ours. You can have it back as soon as we get back home." Ryan explained and Addy's mouth fell open.

She crossed her arns across her chest. "Ugh. Whatever."

Ryan looked at me and I shrugged. That went better than I thought.

"Flight Number 234 to Idaho is now boarding."

We all grabbed our bags and boarded the plane.

I was sitting by Annie. Ryan was sitting by Andy and Asher. Avery was sitting by Addy.

"Annie are you scared?" I asked as we started to lift off.

She smiled at me. "Are you kidding? I am so ready for this!"

The wheels left the ground and her smile disappeared. "Mommy was that supposed to happen?" Her lower lip started to quiver. I squeezed her hand. "Yes Belly, it's ok. We'll land in no time!"

She nodded and I looked over to Ryan's row of seats. He was sitting in a row of 3 in the very back.

"You're crazy! They will never win the super bowl!"

Of course, talking about sports.

I looked over to where Addy and Avery were sitting. I strategically placed them together. I hoped they would bond more, and maybe be as close as Avia and I were.

"Oh my gosh. I never realized how fun it is to talk to you!"

Jackpot. This was a long flight. They would have plenty of bonding time.

By the end of the flight most of us were sleeping. When my parents picked us up the kids were half awake.

When we got to the house the whole family was waiting. We visited for a while but soon went to bed. Tomorrow was Christmas Eve, and we had a day of flipping planned.


"Avery we are leaving in 5 minutes!" I yelled and she jogged down the stairs, a nike shirt, track shorts and her blondish hair was pulled into a ponytail.

"I'm coming geez. I wouldn't miss the gym for the world!" You heard her right. We still had that tradition.

We all got in the car and started the short drive to the gym.

"We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year!" We all sang as we pulled into the parking lot.

"Let's get this party started!" My whole family ran inside and we began playing.

"Who's ready for the obstacle course!?" My Dad yelled and all the grand kids cheered.


"Avery get up to bed right now!" Ryan playfully slapped her in the but and she scooted up the stairs.

"Addy can I sleep with you tonight?" We heard Avery ask. Addy than answered. "Sure, Belly can come too. It'll be a sleepover!"

It was only the first night and already our phone trick was working. Ryan gave me a thumbs up sign and I returned it with a smile.

The night went by quickly and we were awoken with screaming kids jumping on top of us.

The kids dragged us downstairs and screamed at their presents. Gosh, I love Christmas.

Addy got a new phone case, some clothes and some gift cards. Asher got some new Nike socks, a new video game and some tech decks. He was taking after his Uncle Gavin. Avery got some new shoes, clothes and money. Annie got some toys, shoes and clothes. Dad vlogged our whole morning.

The rest of the day was spent hanging with the family and watching old vlogs. Our favorite.

Merry Christmas, from our crazy family to yours.

A/N- Pretty long chapter huh? So I may not update for a while because of the holidays and all that jazz.
So I think I'm going to set a goal. This could fail miserably but oh well!
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