Chapter 20- Cassie.

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the moment you've all been waiting for...
Addy Pov
(let the fangirling begin)

"Bye mom!" I waved to my mommy and my younger sibilings than headed to my classroom where Leah was waiting for me.

"Hi Addy!" She giggled walking to our cubbys, where we put our coats and back packs.

"Hey Leah, did you know that there's a new girl!" I squealed, grabbing her hand.

"I hope she sits by me!" Leah laughed and we sat down.

"Good morning, children!" Our teacher, Mrs. Davis stood in front of the classroom.

"Hi, Mrs. Davis!" We all sang together.

"This is Cassie, class say hi to Cassie." Mrs. Davis motioned towards the little girl standing next to her. The girl had curly blonde hair and blue eyes. Another girl to join Leah and I's blonde group!

"Hi Cassie!" We all waved, and she waved back.

"Cassie you can go sit by Addison." Mrs. Davis pointed at me and smiled my biggest smile.

"Hi." Cassie whispered, as she sat down.

"Hi, I'm Addison. But you can call me Addy! That's Sarah, she's mean." I pointed to where Sarah sat. "That's Leah, she's awesome." I pointed to Leah and she waved.

The bell rang for recess and we ran out to the tree that Leah and I always sat under.

"So, are we friends forever?" I asked giggling at the 3 of us.

"Yeah! Totally!" Cassie clapped and we all laughed.

"I'll be right back, Tommy just gave me a look. I gotta go kick him." Leah made a fist.

Cassie looked at me and I shrugged.

"About Leah. I don't think she's cool. She can't hang with us." Cassie smiled.

"But Leah's my best friend."

"But I thought you wanted to be my best friend?" Cassie frowned.

"I do." I answered.

"Than stop hanging out with her. It's simple." She shrugged.


A/N- More Addy pov? Or nah.
I kinda like it.

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