Chapter 14- You're Famous!

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"Sissy!" Avery ran up to hug Addy. We were picking her up from school.

"Hey Av, hi Ash." Addy smiled then hugged me.

"Um Mommy?" Addy asked as I buckled in the twins.

"Yes honey?"

"When is Leah coming over?" Addy asked. We had made arrangements earlier in the week for her friend to come over.

"Today, don't you remember?" I replied and she giggled.

"Oh yeah, but the troubles have to promise not too bother me!" Addy gave a look towards the twins.

"Asher, Avery, do you promise?" I looked at my children through the rear view mirror.

"I pwomise" Asher lisped and Avery clapped.


"Bye Leah, I'll be back at 5:00 to pick you up." Leah's mom waved goodbye and I waved back.

"I want to show you something" Addy took Leah's hand and lead her to the computer.

"Addy, I don't think Leah wants to watch the vlogs, how about you go play dolls?" I suggested.

"Mommy, I'm just showing her one!" Addy whined and turned on a vlog from a couple of weeks ago.

"Are you serious? Addy you are famous! I can't believe it! You're like on t.v!" Leah squealed and I shook my head in amusement.


"So how was your play date?" Ryan asked, cutting the steak for the kids.

"Good, but I wish she didn't have to leave." Addy answered and Ryan patted her head.

"I'm glad you had fun"

"Yeah, but you know what's funny?" Addy didn't wait for an answer. "She said I was famous!"

sorry it's short, I just really wanted to get a chapter up.
Quote of the chapter......
"Count your rainbows not your thunderstorms"
(My new fav quote)

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