Chapter 11- More than a Lawyer?

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"Are you ready?" Ryan asked me.

I nodded and we walked out to the car.

It was the night after our court battle.

We won.

I know, you can all celebrate.

To celebrate we were all going out. The 3 of us, Ryan, Addy and I.

I was starting to wonder if he was more than a lawyer.

"So why did you make us dress up?" I was curious. Luke had never really took me to a nice restaurant.

"We are going to the finest restaurant in L.A." Ryan said in a fancy British voice and Addy laughed.


"What do you mean our reservations got mixed up?" Ryan asked the waitress. She gave him another explanation.

"It doesn't matter. We'll eat somewhere else." Ryan took Addy and I's hands and left.

When we were in the car Addy asked, "Where are we going?"

Ryan looked at me for an answer and I shrugged. "I don't know yet sweetie."

"How about McDonald's!" Addy squealed.

"Addy we are not really dressed for McDonald's." I replied looking at Ryan's suit and tie and my dress and high heels.  

"Oh Mommy it doesn't really matter! I want chicken nuggets!"


"Um ya I'll have a chicken nugget happy meal, a quarter pounder with cheese, large fry, 2 large drinks, and a salad." Ryan ordered while Addy ran to the playland.

Climbing up the ladder, down the slide and into the ball pit. All in a fancy church dress.

I found a table and soon Ryan came with our food.

"She's crazy" Ryan laughed, looking at Addy.

I laughed and popped a fry into my mouth.

Fast food never taste this good.

"Addy, foods here!"

"I'm not hungry!" She replied, going down the slide once more.

"Addison Noelle! Now!"

She ran up to the table and ate a fry. "Ok I ate! Bye!" Addy ran off and Ryan shook his head while laughing.

"Don't sass me!" I yelled after her.


"Did you say your prayers?" I asked my daughter, tucking her in.

"Yup, and you know what I prayed for!?" She was on a McDonald's high.

"What's that?" I turned off her light and turned on her night light.

"That you and Mr. Ryan will get married so I can have a little sister!" She replied.

"Goodnight Addison" I said, laughing.

"Goodnight, but please think about it!"

"I will, love you." I closed the door and shook my head.

Was Ryan more than a good friend?

More than a lawyer?

A/N- Remmi is alive! Mwahahaha!
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