Chapter 13- Oh Sister!

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a special shout out to @1DShaytards because your comment made my day :)

"Your husband had a minor heart attack. But with plenty of rest he'll be ok." The doctor shows no emotion and I nod.

"Thank you doctor" I leave his office and explain the news to my parents and kids.

"Are you sure it's ok if we leave tomorrow?" My Dad asks.

"Yeah, Ryan called his sister." I answered.

"Ryan has a sister?" My Mom questioned. I knew she was still uneasy about going back to Idaho.

"Apparently, lives in Hawaii or something. Ryan says she's a little wacko." I laugh, Ryan explained his sister as lovable but crazy.

"I'm not so sure about this..." Dad carried Asher to Ryan's room and we headed inside.

"We'll be fine" I replied, walking over to Ryan's bed.

"Hey Babe" He whispered and our fingers intertwined.

"Get better ok? I'm going to take the kids home." I ran my fingers through his shaggy hair and he nodded.

"Love you" He whispered again.

"Love you too" I waved.


"What does she look like Mommy?" Addy asked me.

We were at the Airport, picking up Ryan's sister. Her flight just landed.

"Well she looks like this." I show her the picture on my phone.

Addy looked at the picture.

A girl with piercing blue eyes and wavy blonde hair smiled back.

"She's pretty!" Addy laughed and Asher repeated it.

A girl walked up to us. "Emmi?"

I looked at the picture on the phone than back to the girl. That was her.

"Yeah, are you Chyna?" I asked and the girl nodded and gave me a big hug.

She kneeled down to the kids and pinched their cheeks.

"China like the state?" Addy asked, apparently she hasn't learned geography in kindergarten yet.

Chyna giggled. "No, Chyna like the name!"

Addy scrunched up her nose in confusion. "Whatever!"

We hurried to the car and the ride was full of questions to Chyna.

Once we were home the kids went straight to playing with Aunt Chyna.

After I did the laundry I joined them in the family room.

I walked in to see them standing on their heads, backs against the wall. The twins were failing.

"What on earth?" I laughed and Addy fell to the floor.

"Chyna says that it helps us handle our emotions." Addy looks dead serious. I stiffle a laugh and look over at Chyna, who is still on her head.

"The positive energy runs to your head." Chyna says plainly.

"That's nice." I giggle and go to the kitchen, leaving all the positive energy.


By the end of the week Ryan was able to come home, which meant it was time for Chyna to leave.

Needless to say we were all in tears at the airport. We had grown to love aunt Chyna and her crazy ways.

When it was time for her to leave Addy ran up and hugged her.

"Take care of the sock fairies for me!" Chyna said to Addy.

Ryan looked at me and I shrugged.

When we were in the car, heading home, Addy spoke up. "Can we go visit Aunt Chyna soon?"

This chapter's question is.......
Who is your favorite youtuber?
Mine obviously is the Shaytards!

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