Chapter 27- Goodbye Shay

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this chapters shoutout goes to @perkipoo
guest appearance: Jodie and husband (Race to Life, Learn to Believe Again, Hopefully Paradise)
Morgan and husband (Race To Life)

The funeral was a week later. All of our family flew back to Idaho for his funeral.

Daddy's last words were, "Make my funeral fun."

We were trying our hardest but it's really hard to make a funeral fun.

Dad's old friend Jodie and her husband Reagan came. Mom's best friend from High School, Morgan and her husband also came.

Everyone was staying at Mom's house and it was quite crowded. On the day of the funeral I told myself that I would not cry.

When it was my turn to speak, I was holding back tears.

"Hello everybody. It's me um Emmi, but most of you already knew that. When I was little my dad and I had a special connection. I'm not sure why, but we did. He wasn't just my Dad, he was one of my best friends. Growing up my family vlogged. That's an experience that I like to share with my own kids, because it opens up so many oppurtunities. Daddy, I'm going to miss you so much. I'm being honest when I say this. You're the best Dad I could ever wish for. I love you." By then I was crying like a baby, but everyone else was too so it's ok.


After the funeral, our whole family and close friends were talking about Daddy.

"He just amazed me, losing all that weight."

"He was the funniest uncle ever!"

"I'm going to miss him."

"He was a great father."

"My marathon partner."

"We loved him so much."

This was many of the things said about Dad.

Dad, we'll miss you. Everyone, especially the viewers and your family loves you and misses you.

hate me yet?

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You guys are awesome :)


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