Chapter 6- The Adventures of Pregnancy

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"Emmi Pemmings" The Doctor called my name and I followed her to the room.

I was getting my last ultra sound.

If you couldn't already tell, I won.

We already knew the gender of the baby.

A girl!

Her name is Addison Noelle Pemmings.

Addy for short, and her tard name is girlytard.

I'm so excited, Luke on the other hand...

Let's just say he wasn't that happy at first, but I think he likes my baby bump now.

Well he better, the baby is due any day now, and we are raising it together.

The ultra sound went smoothly and Lucas was waiting for me at home.

"Hey babe! How did it go?" He gave me a kiss and quickly kissed my bump.

"Good, how was work?" I set my bags down and layed down on the couch.

Luke placed my head on his lap and ran his fingers through my hair.

"You're going to love her right?" I asked.

"Of course! How could I not love our baby!" Luke reassured me.

"Well it's just that you didn't seem to happy at first"

"Well now I am" Luke smiled and cupped my face with his hands. " I love you"

"You and I and her" I whispered. He kissed me but then I pulled away.

"What's wrong?" Luke looked worried.

"Lukey, it's time." I choked.


"Welcome to the world Addison Noelle Pemmings." I whispered, holding my newborn baby.

"I already love her so much" Luke said stroking my forhead.

"Look at us" I smiled "One happy family"
A/N- Super duper short! Oops! So for the next chapter, Addy will be 3 and a half, so yeah because I don't really know what to write for a newborn baby.

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