Chapter 26- It ain't over till it's over.

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Emmi's sister Ryan will be in bold so you don't get confused with her husband Ryan.

"Mom, what's wrong?"
"It's your Dad..."

"Is he sick? He looked fine at Christmas."
"Well, h-he-he has um-"


"Mom, what is it?"
"Oh honey! You're dad he's not doing good."

"Is he sick?"
"He- he ha-as a brain tumor."

"Mom, I'm coming right away. Is someone with you?"
"Yes, Aunt um Carlie."

"Mom I'll be there soon. Okay?"
"Ok honey. Bye."

I hung up the phone and went straight to my room. Packing a bag.

Ryan, my husband, not my sister, walked in. "Babe, what's wrong? Why are you leaving?"

"I'm going to Idaho. It's my Dad. He's in the hospital." I mumble and I tell Ryan to go get my sister and I plane tickets.

I head to the living room. "Ry, it's Dad. He's in the hospital. We need to leave like now."

I'm trying so hard to be strong. Ryan looks shocked and goes and gets her bag.

A few minutes later we head to the airport. Our flight leaves in less than an hour.

We're sitting, waiting for our plane to get here so we can board.

"Emmi, I'm so scared." Ryan says, hugging me.

"Me too." I answer.

"Dad was the only real Dad I ever had. When you guys adopted me it was the best thing thag ever happened. I just don't know what I'd do without you guys. And now I'm about to lose Dad!" Ryan sobbed.

"I know Ry. But he can make it through this."


"Shay has a brain tumor that is expanding rapidly. I'm very surprised that we did not catch this before and maybe prevented this. I know this is a surprise to you as Shay seemed to be in great health. I regret to inform you that he only has a couple days to live, unless a miracle happens." The doctor finishes his speech and Mom broke down.

"Shh Mom, we'll get through this." Gavin rubs her back. I head into room 341, Dad's room.

He's hooked up to an I.V and other tubes that do, who knows what.

"Hi Daddy." I wipe the tears that are slowly trickling down my cheeks.

"Hey Babytard." He whispers. It's so hard to see Dad so still and so weak.

"Oh Dad! Please don't die!" No use being strong anymore.

"Emmi, it ain't over till it's over. I've still got a couple of breaths left in me." Every word seemed like a struggle for him.

I nod and he kisses my hand. "Remember never stop being Babytard."

A/N- Aghh! Tear jerker or what?
Here's a question for everyone: What would you do if one of the Shaytards died?
I would probably cry than rewatch all of the vlogs. But let's hope that never happens in real life.

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