Chapter 2- Don't forget the bread!

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Let me introduce myself.

I'm Emmi.

It's nice to meet you.

I have dirty blonde hair and brownish eyes.

I'm 24 and I just graduated college, now I live in an apartment with my sister Avia.

I have a weird obsession with nutella and action movies.

I'm not crazy, just grown up in a crazy family.


"Hey Em, can you go to the store and buy some bread?" My older sister, Avia asked.

I nod and grab my purse and take one last look in the mirror.

Before I can walk out the door Avia yells "Don't forget the bread!"

I smirk "I won't!" and head to the parking garage.


The grocery store is across the street from the mall.

That is dangerous.

Especially when there is a huge Forever 21 Sale! sign.

I'll just look around for a couple of minutes.

I park my car in the mall parking lot and walk into the mall.

I'm almost to Forever 21 when I see it.

Buy one get one free at the shoe store.

If you were in my situation what would you do?


So I ended up buying Avia and I some new boots.


I finally made it to Forever 21, with a few stops on the way.

The sale was only 10 % off.

Forget this.

I was about to walk out of the store when I bumped into someone.


This guy was even cuter than Alex from Target!

(A/N- If you know who that is then yay!)

Like the famous Hannah Montana once said, "Nobody's perfect."

Well this guy was pretty dang close.

"Oh I'm so sorry!" He said, holding out a hand to help me up.

I gladly took it. "Oh it's ok."

We stood there for about an awkward 5 seconds when he spoke up.

"Can I get you some coffee umm-"

"Emmi, my names Emmi." I smiled, was this guy asking me out?

"Well then Emmi should we go?" He held out his hand and we walked to the food court.

We stopped at starbucks and I ordered.

"Hi, I'll have a grande carmel frappuccino." I smiled at the barista.

"I'll have the same as her" He gave the barista the money and we found a table.

When we got our drinks I asked "So you never told me your name?"

He smirked "Oh my bad, it's Lucas."

"That's a very nice name."

For 2 hours we made small talk.

Looking at the time I said "I better go."

Lucas told me he should probably go too and we exchanged numbers.


When I walked into our apartment with my shopping bags Avia ran to me.

"Did you get the bread? I have been craving a peanut butter and jelly sandwiche for the past 3 hours!" Avia sifted through the shopping bags.

Oh shoot the bread.

"Em, you forgot the bread."

"Well on the bright side, I met this guy and he was-"

Avia interrupted me "I don't care! I'll just go get it myself!" And with that she slammed the door, leaving me to celebrate that, I might possibly in the near future have a boyfriend, by myself.
A/N- Was that good or nah? Please leave me comments! Thanks for reading!

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