Chapter 18- He's ugly.

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so I got a lot of suggestions and the winner is a lot of you lol. A lot of you guys picked the name Andrew (Andy) so I picked that one.

"Emmi? Your family is here to see you. Although I'm not sure if they're all your family." The doctor told me and I nodded. "I have a big family!"

I looked down at my son, Andrew. He was so small and tiny, I loved him already.

"Hi Mommy!" Addy squealed, running over to me. Asher and Avery followed.

"Hey guys! Say hello to Andrew." I showed them the baby.

"Emmi, he's adorable!" Mom clapped her hands together and Dad put his arm around her.

"What are you talking about Grandma? He's ugly!" Asher said very seriously. He wasn't trying to be cute, he was just speaking his 3 year old mind.

"Asher!" Addy scolded him and Avery laughed.

"But it's true! He's yellow!" Asher squinted his eyes in astonishment.

"All babies are a weird color at first, don't worry buddy, in a little bit he'll look normal." Ryan ruffled Asher's hair.

"He's still ugly." Asher said again, as to prove a point.

Mom changed the subject. "When can you go home?"

"Tonight" I answered, still not taking my eyes off of Andrew.

When we had finally been checked out it was after 10 o'clock. Going straight home, I put the kids to bed, and went to bed myself, cuddling with my new baby.

First nights go as first night go. Andrew woke up several times during the night. Ryan and I took shifts. This was just the beginning, the next few months would be hard. But every time Andrew fell back asleep next to me it made me remember how much I loved being a mother.

The next morning I woke up early, ready to start the day.

"Morning babe." Ryan handed me a plate of eggs and I handed him Andrew in exchange.

When we all the kids were seated Ryan spoke up. "Ok, so now that Andy is here we have to be very careful. You can only hold him when Mommy or Daddy are around. Ok?"

Addy nodded and so did Avery.

Asher smirked. "I don't want to hold him anyway. He's ugly."

A/N- Oh Asher! What are we going to do with you?
So I'm hoping for this book to at least have 50 chapters or more. Think I can do it?

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