Chapter 7- The Adventures of Motherhood

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"Let's see, we need bread, eggs, milk, and um" I stopped in the middle of the bread aisle and looked at my daughter, happily playing with my phone, talking to a imaginary person, in the shopping cart. "What else do I need Addy?"

Addison smiled and laughed "Cookie!"

"Nice try, silly girl!" I jokingly scolded her and she laughed again.

When we were done shopping, I headed over to Avia's .

"Hey Av!" I greeted my sister when she answered the door.

"Hey! Come in!" We walked in and Addy ran up to her 4 year old cousin and hugged her.

Avia brought out some snacks and while the girls played we talked.

"So how's Luke?" Avia asked me.

"Umm he's fine" I gulped.

"Em, tell me everything!" Avia looked concerned.

"Well-" Then I explained the whole thing.

How, Lucas and I were fighting a lot lately

A lot of hateful words were said.

I didn't want Addy to grow up around this.

But, part of me still loved Luke.

And I definitely loved Addy.

"Well, I trust you'll make the right decision" Avia put a hand on my shoulder. " I'm always here if you need to talk"

I nodded and we said our goodbyes.

When we were in the car Addy spoke up.

"I hate you!" She giggled.

I gasped, "Addy what are you talking about!"

"I hate you!" She laughed again.

"Addy don't say that!" I frowned.

"But Daddy says it!" Addison smiled and said "Shut up! Daddy says that too."

At least she wasn't repeating the other things.

I made my decision.


When we got home I told Addy to go pick out her favorite stuffed animals.

I went to my room and packed some essentials. I went to Addison's room and packed her clothes. It all fit into one suitcase.


15 minutes until Luke came home from work.

I took out a pen and paper.
Dear Luke,
I need to take a break and just think.
I hope you'll do the same.

I took Addy's hand and silently


I knocked on Avia's door for the second time today.

"Hey E-" Avia's smiled disappeared when she saw my suitcase and tear streaked face. "Come in"

I nodded and put my stuff down.

Avia showed me the guest room and told me to rest.

I unpacked our stuff and let sleep take over me.


I woke up and checked my phone
23 missed calls from Lukey <3
8 messages from Lukey <3

I looked at the messages.
Babe don't be like that

You're being stupid, come back.

Were some of them.

I listened to the voice mail.

Lukes voice filled my head.
Hey Babe, just listen ok. I want you to come back. I miss you. I need you. Just come back please. Hey I'm sorry if I made you mad. I mean um if you want another kid then fine. Come back home and we can talk about this. I'll fix this. I miss you so much just please come back.

I turned off my phone and laid back down.

Addy came in and climbed into bed with me.

"Mommy when can we go home?"

"I don't know Baby, I don't know."
A/N- Drama! Or nah.

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