Chapter 22-Christmas lights and Crazy Uncles?

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Long time no chapter...

Emmi Pov

Christmas is in 3 days and you can definitely feel the Christmas spirit in our household.

Today's adventure is putting up Christmas lights, with 4 kids and a bossy wife. Good luck Ryan!

"Babe, grab that box." Ryan grunts, picking up a box of Christmas lights.

"This one?" I ask and he nods, we put the lights down and I go inside to get the kids.

"Who wants to go help Daddy put up Christmas lights?" I squealed and the kids skipped outside.

"Really Emmi?" Ryan groaned, untangling lights.

"I thought you could use some help." I shrugged and smirked.

"The kids are anything but help!"


Two hours later, all the lights were strung on the house. Ryan had done an amazing job. Of course he had amazing help.

The rest of the day was spent getting ready for my family. They were staying at our house for Christmas and New Years.
The Next Day...

"Mom!" I squealed, running to my Mom.

"Hi, honey!" Mom pulled me into a hug and I gladly accepted it.

"Daxi?" I yelled kissing him on the forehead.

"Ew gross Emmi!" He joked and hugged me.

"Uncle Dax! Uncle Brock! Uncle Gavin! Aunt Avia!" Addy and the troubles hugged each one of them.

The whole entire family was coming over.

The grandchildren were playing upstairs while the parents were talking in the living room.

"Mom you okay?" Gavin asked and she nodded.

"Just thinking about how all of my babies are growing up!" Mom sighed and Dad wiped a fake tear.

Daxton got up and said he would be back in a bit. A moment later we heard squeals and giggles from upstairs.

Daxton walked down the stairs, holding a laughing Addy upside down.

"Don't even think about tickling me again!" She sassed.

"Addy, sassy meter needs to go way down!" I scolded.

"It's not my fault I have crazy Uncles!"

A/N- Next chapter, Addy will be 15, twins will be 12 and Andrew will be 9. They're new child is named Annabelle (Annie or Belly) and she is 6. So yea!

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