Chapter 16- It's A Long Story!

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oh my Hannah Montana this book already has 16 chapters. Lol that's not even a lot...

"How was your day Addy?" Ryan asked, passing the salad to me. Every day at dinner we shared how our days were.

"Surprising! Did you know I have a sister!" Addy put her hands in the air.

"Yes, I know that Avery is your sister." Ryan answered.

"No! I have one named Kate!" Addy went on to tell Ryan about our meeting with Luke.

"So he didn't tell you about having a baby?" Ryan asked and I nodded.

"Wow" Ryan shook his head.

"Anyways, shall we tell them the news?" I nudged Ryan and he nodded.

"Well kids, your mom is.."

Addy interrupted him. "Elsa! I knew she had ice powers!"

"No sweetie I'm pregnant!" I laughed and Addy jumped up and down.

"YAY! A new baby!" Addy yelled and the twins joined her.

Later that night Addy, the twins, Ryan, and I were all sitting on the couch watching a movie.

"Mommy where do babies come from?" Addy asked innocently.

"From my tummy." I answered and Ryan shrugged.

"But how are babies made?" Addy asked, Ryan smirked at me.

"That's a long story!" I laughed.

Addy sighed. "I have time."

"You'll learn when your older!" Ryan laughed and patted Addy's head.

A/N- Holy Guacamole! 3 updates in 1 day?! That is good for me! But not as good as @simstard! She is an updating machine!

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