Just a Quick Note

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So I know the contest was like 1 day (?) long but oh well! I have picked a winner! Or I guess winners.

And the winners are.........

@1DShaytards - Leah, female, friend of Addy's


@youtube_029 - Chyna Rose, female, Ryan's sister


So your characters should occur in the next couple of chapters.

Oh yeah and could you please go comment your fav books in "The Best Shaytards Books on Wattpad" because I'm kind of doing a thing like @1DShaytards did- The Shaytards Awards.

And I only have like 2 people that commented on it.

I know, shameless self promo.

Oh yeah and so today I go on wattpad and I have 64 notifications. That may not be that big of a deal but it made me feel so happy that people were commenting, and voting for my books. So yeah it means a lot THANK YOU!

Just thought I should say that, anyways this was kind of boring but I needed to get the info out.

Thanks Again


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