Chapter 8- I forgive you.

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"Mommy we go see Daddy today?" Addy asked me from the backseat.

"Yeah honey, we're almost there." I took a deep breath. After a lot of thinking I had decided to go back home.

Back to Luke.

I opened the door to our house and Addy ran in.

I dropped my bags by the door and looked just in time to see Addy jump into Luke's arms.

I smiled and walked over to him.

"Hey Luke, I missed you." I kissed him on the cheek but he pulled away.

"What's wrong" I asked and Addy repeated me.

"Well Emmi, I did what you suggested. I thought about a lot of things and well..." Luke smiled and a girl came out from the bedroom.

"Please tell me that's your cousin" I put my head in my hands.

The girl laughed, sounding stupid. "No silly, I'm his gir-" Luke covered her mouth.

"Stephanie I haven't told her that part yet! Um, Emmi this is my fiance Stephanie." Luke and Stephanie started making out. Addy pretended to gag.

"Fiance?!? I was only gone a couple of days!" I yelled and Luke stopped his makeout session to stare at me.

"The divorce papers are on the table." He plainly motioned towards the dining table.

"You don't understand Luke, I came to apologize. I wanted to come back to you!"

"Oh well I forgive you." Luke smiled and Stephanie started to ruffle his hair.

"Oh yeah and I get the house." Luke smirked at Stephanie.

"Addy let's go" I growled, grabbing the papers.

"Oh before you go, I also get Addy"

I looked at the divorce papers.

In clear print it said:
Luke Pemmings Has Full Custody Of Addison Noelle Pemmings.

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