Chapter 19- You're Lying!

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thanks for all the nice comments, you guys are amazing <3

"How was school my darling?" I asked my daughter Addy at the dinner table.

"It was good!" She answered, playing with Andy.

"Hey Addy did you know that it's Daddy's birthday in 2 days!" I laughed, nudging Ryan who was sitting next to me.

"What are you going to get me?" Ryan smirked.

Asher yelled. "Presents!"

And Avery followed. "Shh! It's a secret!"

Ryan laughed and playfully nudged Addy. "What about you, Addy?"

Addy's usually sassy and outgoing attitude disappeared. "I'm not getting you anything."

"And why is that?" I asked.

"Because I don't have too." She folded her arms across her chest.

Ryan looked at me and I shrugged. "Don't you want to get him a present?"

"No, because you're not my REAL daddy!" Addy cried.

"But Addy-" He started, but was soon interrupted by Addy. "You're lying to me!"

Addy ran over to her room. Ryan started to get up and I waved him down. I walked down the hall to her room and knocked quietly.


The door opened, and I saw Addy's tear stained cheeks. "What?"

I sat down on her bed and she layed down next to me.

"Honey what's wrong?" I stroked her hair.

She sniffled. "That's not my daddy. That's Asher and Avery and Andy's daddy, but it's not mine!"

"I know, but Mr.Ryan loves you very much honey. You know that."

She started to cry even more. "Yeah but my real daddy doesn't love me!"


"But if my real daddy doesn't love me, than why would my fake daddy love me more?" She asked.

"Honey, I promise that Mr. Ryan loves you like he's your real daddy!" I smiled and she wiped her tears.

"Ok, I think I'll get him a heart necklace for his birthday!" She giggled and I laughed too.

"He's going to love that!"


"Everything ok?" Ryan asked when we walked back out to the dining room.

I nodded and Addy gave him the thumbs up sign.

"We're good dude!" Addy gave him the peace sign and I shrugged.

Later that night we were all on the couch talking.

"Um, Dad this girl said I couldn't be in her group." Addy put her hands on her hips.

"What do you mean?" Ryan asked.

"Sarah said that because me and Leah had blonde hair, that we couldn't play with them."

"They're just jealous!" I laughed and she nodded.

"Oh yeah and can I wear makeup?" Addy asked innocently.

"Makeup!? You're only 7!" Ryan put his hands in the air.

"7 and a half!" She giggled.

"Addy, promise to never grow up."

"Ok, fine."

A/N- This chapter was kinda boring, oops.
Who is your favorite character in this book besides Emmi?
Mine is Addy because she is so sassy and innocent!
Oh to be young again! *sighs*

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