Chapter 12- Asher and Avery

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Tralalala I love writing this book
So a quick little update- Ryan and Emmi are now married, Addison is 6, and the twins Asher and Avery are 2. What a perfect little family!

"I'm going to eat you!" I heard Addy yell from the kitchen.

I walked in the kitchen to see my eldest daughter chasing the twins with a steak knife.

"Addy! No, no. We do not chase the troubles with knifes." I warned her.

The troubles are our nickname for the twins. Asher and Avery are partners in crime.

"Say sorry" I said, taking the knife away from my 6 year old.

"Sorry troubles."

"Tweble" Avery lisped.

I picked up the twins and put them down for a nap.


"Daddy!" Addy ran up and hugged Ryan, who just returned home from work.

"Hey Princess!" Ryan replied. Just then the twins waddled out and hung onto each of his legs.

"Hey babies" Ryan said putting Addy down and tickling the twins.

"Dinners ready!" I laughed motioning towards the dining room.

*The Next Day*

"Daddy!" Addy yelled jumping into a hug. This was there daily routine.

"Hey Princess, you're getting pretty heavy." Ryan winced.

That was really unlike Ryan. Not to brag but he had always been pretty muscular.

"But you could carry me yesterday!" Addy laughed.

"I know sweetie, I'm sorry" Ryan kissed Addy's nose.

Addy ran off to play and Ryan gave me a hug.

"You ok?" I asked.

"Yeah, just feeling a bit sick. I'll be ok though." Ryan gave me a reassuring smile.

"Good because Addy's ballet recital is tomorrow night." I ran my fingers through his sandy blonde hair.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world."


"And now ladies and gentleman. I present the ages 5-7 ballet class!"

Ryan focused the camera on the stage once Addy walked out.

"Look Ashy, there's Addy!" I pointed to my daughter twirling to the music a little behind the rest of the girls and Asher clapped.

When the dance was over Addy met us in the foyer.

My Mom and Dad were able to make it too.

We handed Addy our flowers and she had the biggest smile on her face.

"You were amazing!" Ryan complimented her. He reached down to hug her but fell.

"Babe are you ok?" I asked helping him up.

Ryan started to nod but then fainted.

Dad knelt down and Mom screamed. "Somebody call 911!"

Addy and the twins hugged me. "Hurry!"

A/N- Nooooooooo! What's wrong with Ryan?
I'm writing the story and I don't even know. I'm such a great author. Anyways so I'm going to start doing a question for every chapter.
So this chapters question is.........
What is your favorite movie?
Mine is probably The Fault In Our Stars or Blended.
And message or comment me ideas for this book!

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