Chapter 3- Yes! Totally!

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"Avia I'm leaving!" I was going to meet Lucas at this park for our 1 year anniversary of dating.

Avia waved from the living room where she was talking to her husband of 2 months.

I grabbed my keys and headed to meet Lucas.

I decided to vlog in the car.

"Hey guys, right now I am in the car, on the way to meet Lucas. And I am super excited because it's our one year anniversary of dating! That seems so long! But compared to my parents it doesn't! So yeah I probably won't vlog cuz we might be busy!" I laughed nervously and turned the camera off.

I parked the car and ran to hug Lucas.

"Hey babe" Lucas hugged me and I buried my head in his chest.

He gave me a quick peck on the cheek and we walked through the park.

We were admiring some flowers when he picked one and dropped to one knee.

"Oh Lukey!" I whispered, holding back tears.

"Emmi, will you make me the luckiest man alive and be my wife?" Lucas held out a ring. "Will you marry me?"

"Yes! Totally!" I kissed him and we slowly pulled away.
A/N- Short chapter sorry. It was really fluffy.

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