Chapter 15- I did not see that coming...

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so I was challenged by @simstard to do this! One thing I love about the people on Wattpad is that they are so encouraging! I have never once gotten hate! THANK YOU

"Addy let's go!" I yelled from the living room. My eldest daughter slowly walked in.

"Do I have to go Mommy?" She asked and I nodded.

"The court said you have to see your Dad once every 3 months"

"But Mr.Ryan is my Dad!" She stomped her foot on the ground and I knew she was about to throw a fit.

"I know honey but you have to go see your real Dad today, and I promise that we can get a treat afterwards." I held out my hand and we walked out to the car.

Addy asked me a bunch of questions about who her Dad really was since she loved her Daddy at home but didn't like her REAL dad. She finally came up with a solution

Nice Daddy- Ryan

Mean Daddy- Luke

I agree with her completely!

We finally got to McDonald's where we would meet Luke and Stephanie for an hour.

"Hey honey!" Stephanie yelled and hugged Addy.

"Don't hug me! You little worthless cheater!" Addy squeezed out of Stephanie's hug and I had to hold in my laugh.

"Addy say sorry!" Luke scolded.

"Sorry" Addy mumbled, she looked at me and rolled her eyes.

"Anyways, we have something to show you!" Stephanie smiled, taking Luke's hand.

"Is it a present? Cuz you missed my birthday!" Addy put her hands on her hip. That girl has way too much sass.

"Um no it's a present, it's something better!" Stephanie put her hand on Addy's shoulder but Addy brushed it off.

"What's better than a present?" Addy folded her arms.

"Kate, come here." Luke walked over to a table and took the hand of a girl who looked about 5.

"Addy this is your step-sister Kate!" Luke smiled and Kate waved.

"I did not see that coming" Addy's mouth fell open.

"Oh look at the time! We have to pick up Asher." I grabbed Addy's hand and we fast walked to the car.

"Mommy he's just moving on." Addy whispered while I buckled her into her car seat.

I nodded. "Yeah I know"

"Like you moved on with Nice Daddy."

A/N- What?! Luke and Stephanie had a child! I know crazy! Not really...
Thanks for all the feedback on this book it means so much!

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