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Thank you for the questions! I loved them! Some made me laugh =]
Emily: Hello beautiful readers! Welcome to the 2014 official Character Ask for the book Being Babytard! I'm your host! Emilyyyy!

*crowd goes wild*

*cast walks in and takes a seat*

Emily: Who's ready to answer some questions!?

Luke: Can we just get on with it?

Emily: As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted, readers sent questions for all of you to answer!

*Asher and Avery clap*

Emily: The first question is for Addy and it's from @1DShaytards, she says, can I be your bestie?

Addy: Well, I would say yes but you're too old!

*crowd awwws*

Emmi: Addy, it's fine.

Addy: Oh, than sure! Do you like to play with dolls?

*crowd awwws again*

Emily: This ones for Leah!

*Leah gives Addy high five*

Emily: It's from @1DShaytards, how famous do you think Addy is?

Leah: Well, she's this famous! * Leah holds out her arms*

Emily: @1DShaytards also says that you should thank her because she formed you in her brain.

*Leah scrunches up nose in confusion*

Leah: I'm adopted?

Emily: Moving on... this question is from @MadiG7903. She says, Troubles, how is life with Addison?

Emmi: troubles it's for you!

Asher: Oh! Yay!

Avery: Addy plays with me! I love her!

Asher: Me too!

*Asher and Avery hug Addy*

*crowd awws*

Emily:This question is for me and was from @emily_elizabeth 33 and @1DShaytards. What inspired you to write this book?
Well, I'm not going to lie, Babytard is my favorite. Inspiration #1 is when I first got wattpad I looked for Babytard fan fics and they're wasn't a lot, so I knew I would want to write a fan fic for all the babytard lovers. Inspiration #2 is a book called "Otherwise Known as Princesstard". I really loved this book so I decided to write about Emmi's life when she is older. And everybody seems to like it and I enjoy writing it so yeah.

*crowd claps*

Emily: Okay! Here is the next question from @1DShaytards for Luke. Are you in any affiliation with the band member by the name of Lucas Robert Hemming? And, why you gotta rip Emmi's heart out like that? You had a kid for crying out loud!

Luke: This girl sounds crazy.

Emily: Do not be rude to my wattpad bestie! Answer the question please.

Luke: Um that is my private business.

Emily: Answer the dang question Lucas!

Luke: No I don't know Lucas Robert Hemmings. And why do I have to answer the question about Emmi?

Emily: Because we are all very protective of Emmi and we want to know why!

Luke: Well people's feelings change. And that's all I'm going to say.

Ryan mumbles: jerk.

Emily: This one is from MadiG7903, She says, Luke why did you do that too Emmi?

Luke: Really people? Like I said, people change.

Emily: Geez it was just a question! The next question is for Stephanie, and it is also from @MadiG7903. She says, Why do you love Luke?

Stephanie: Well he's my little Lukey-Pukey and we were made for each other!

*Luke and Stephanie make out*

Addy: No PDA!

Emily: I agree! Okay, this question is from @cupcakeluver14 and it's for babytard, how has your past influenced how you live your life today? Good question.

Emmi: Well, when I was little my parents taught me to basically always be happy I guess and to just live life fun. So I really try to make the most of each day. Because as my Dad once said, "Happiness is a choice". And I choose to be happy.

Emily: Great answer! This question is from @emily_elizabeth33 and it's for Emmi, do you plan on having more kids? And, what do you think is Addison's best quality?

Emmi: Yes, I plan on having more kids. Hopefully in the next year or so since the twins are getting older! Addison's best quality would probably be that she is very outgoing and a little sassy!

Emily: Great answers! I bet all the readers are excited for Remmi babies! Anyways @emily_elizabeth33 also asks, Shay and Colette what do you think of Ryan?

Shay: Well, I think Ryan is a great guy and a good vlogger! I just hope we didn't scare him too much at first!

Colette: Ryan is perfect for Emmi and a great step-dad for Addy!

Emily: Awesome! Next question is from Emmi, how do you feel about Stephanie?

Emmi: Well there's mixed feelings. I don't like her because Luke cheated on me with her, but if she hadn't come into our lives I would of never met Ryan!

*Ryan gives Emmi a quick kiss*

Emily: This is also from @emily_elizabeth33, Addison how much do you love your family?

Addy: My family is really the best! Grandpa Shay is so funny and Grandma gives good hugs, and all my aunts and uncles are really nice! I just love them so much!

*crowd awes*

Emily: That concludes our Character Ask for Being Babytard!

*crowd cheers*

*characters exit*

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