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No, I will NEVER stop writing Christmas stories. Anyway. I'm doing '12 days of Christmas' challenge in this one-shot book, starting the 13th, ending on Christmas. A one-shot every day for the 12 days of Christmas, based off of the song. For example, "5 golden rings" on the 5th day could be...example, Lukas proposing to Jesse or something. There will be some Jetra, definitely some Petra x Aiden. Enough rambling, read the story now!



Lukas gasped as Jesse wrapped his arms around him.

"I can't breathe...Jesse-"

Jesse let go, a giggle emerging from him. "Good to see you too." He led Lukas in, taking a moment to get a good look at him. Bundled up against the cold weather, it was hard to recognize him at first. The tip of his nose was bright red from the frigid conditions, a scarf intertwined around his neck; his signature leather jacket offering him little protection considering he was shivering. Lukas kicked off his snow caked shoes, easing himself onto the couch. Jesse's gaze met Lukas's; a lopsided grin spreading across Jesse's face.

"Publish any books yet?" He teased as he rummaged through a cabinet to find matches to light the fireplace. "I've been working on it." Lukas retorted, smirking. Jesse struck the match against the side of the box, the tip of the match combusting into a glowing ember of fire, and he tossed it into the pile of firewood by the fireplace, which immediately caught fire, tiny specks of light emitting from the fire.

Jesse sat down next to Lukas, sinking into the cushions. "So, what have you been doing for those few months?" He asked, his fingers stroking one of the pillows on the couch, all with festive covers. Lukas's shoulders shrugged slightly as he spoke. "Lots of writing. I met up with a few other friends - "

"Let me guess, they were writers?"

Lukas rolled his eyes. " - Yes, they were. Anyway. I'll probably stay here with you and Petra. It's nice out in the forest, but it gets kind of...lonely." He said, the end of his sentence having a resonating effect, emitting melancholy vibes. Jesse raised his eyebrows.

"Alone? Or lonely?"

Lukas sat back, biting his lip as he took in the question.

"I guess..lonely. I had all my friends with me got kind of lonely I guess."

"Without you." He added quickly.

"You big sap." Jesse said, grinning as he playfully slugged Lukas.

"Want to have a snowball fight?" This question came out of his mouth before he could decide if it was a good idea. Jesse, however, went along with it. "Oh, you're on..!" He exclaimed, jumping up from the couch, yanking his coat off of the hook, pulling on a hat, gloves, and boots. Lukas took this as a challenge, pulling on his jacket and gloves, bolting outside. After being inside the heated home for some time, the weather was rather uncomfortable, at least two feet of snow covering the ground in a glistening white sheet.

Jesse followed, barely avoiding face planting into the snow as his ankles sunk into the snow. He shivered as the wind picked up, yanking up the collar of his jacket. He crouched down, his fingers digging under the freezing snow, compacting it in between his two hands when he felt something collide with his cheek, leaving a few specks of ice on his cheek. He looked up, seeing the triumph grin Lukas wore.

"I am an accomplished man."

"Not for long."

Jesse sent a snowball flying in Lukas's direction, the snowball barely missing as it whizzed by the boy's head. "Damn it!" Jesse cursed under his breath, scooping up another ball of snow. He was too slow, feeling a chunk of ice shatter apart from colliding with his exposed neck. "You're going to pay for that!" With the snowball still in his hand, he ran over to Lukas, who was giggling uncontrollably. In one quick motion he stuffed the snow down Lukas's shirt, causing him to squeal. "Come back here!" He hissed, forcing himself upwards and chasing after Jesse.

Petra heard all the commotion, peeking over from behind a tree. She couldn't help but grin; it was rather amusing to her, and she was glad Lukas was back. She picked up the camera hanging around her neck, snapping a few pictures as the boys brawled.

Lukas's fingers latched onto Jesse's hood as he lost footing, tumbling down. Jesse slipped a moment after, since Lukas was holding onto Jesse's hood.

Both boys were left in an awkward position, Jesse on top of Lukas, faces inches apart. Jesse felt the blush creeping up on his face as he started into Lukas's deep blue irises.

He leaned forward... 

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