Happy birthday

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Lukas stared down at the blur of lights below them, the sounds of the city slightly muffled since they were so high up. Petra gazed down one last time, then easing herself onto a chair. "I love the city. So beautiful." She muttered, her hands wrapping around her drink as she took a sip.

"Hey guys." Jesse opened the screen door, shivering from the gust of frigid wind. He smirked as he approached Lukas, wrapping his arms around Jesse. "Mine." Petra chuckled as Lukas turned around, blushing. "Hey-"

Jesse cut him off by pressing his lips against Lukas's, arms looping around Lukas's neck. Lukas pulled away for a moment, grinning. "Are you sober?"

"Do I ever seem sober? I get high off of living with you." Jesse said.

"Lukas, take my advice - he is not sober." Lukas laughed, gently kissing the tip of Jesse's nose. "Sober or not, he's mine."

"Use condoms." Petra shouted as the two walked away, intertwined.
"Shut up!" Jesse shouted as he slammed the door closed, giggling. "Where are you taking me?" Lukas asked, resting his head on Jesse's shoulder. Jesse laughed, "You'll see."

Jesse opened the door to the bedroom, pulling Lukas close, whispering in his ear, "Happy birthday." 

If any of you guys get the reference when Petra mentioned "Condoms" then you are my new best friend. It's from a book i sweaR

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