What was that noise..?

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This is some...older work. Not spaced, just...not good. Go to more recent chapters if you please. Other then that, enjoy!


updating this, i doubt anyone but santi is reading this, um i wrote this when i was 9-10 lmao ok

6/25 - hey everyone! this has been getting some actual views... i wrote this when i was 10? 11? either way i'm older now and ive moved on but i do miss this fandom. i am considering writing a few more chapters just for the hell of it because i miss the fandom, even tho i moved onto an original work. feel free to leave a comment or shoot me a dm for any request you want and ill see if i can do it. love yall

"We have to go! Now!" Jesse said, grabbing Lukas's hand and tugging it. "This place is going to blow up!" Lukas said, following jesse to the exit. When they reached what they'd thought was the exit. They saw; it was blocked out. "Shit! Now what!?" Lukas asked Jesse, noticing the ceiling starting to crumble. "The others are outside, right? Maybe they notice the temple crumbling, and try to find us." Jesse said, looking around desperately for an exit. "We're going to get buried alive if we don't move, now." Lukas said, tring to mask a layer of panic hiding inside him. He had a bad feeling about the whole 'adventure'. The order had gotten together for a bit, Jesse having found and old temple, and they insisted Lukas was also part of the order and that he came. So he did, even though he knew it wouldn't end well. "Wait.." Jesse said, stopping dead in his tracks. "Do you hear that?" Jesse said, visibly trembling as the duo fell silent, hearing an unsettling hissing noise. "Run!" Lukas shouted, instincts kicking in as he knew the temple was seconds away from blowing up. Lukas could hear his heart pounding inside his chest, fatigue slowly creeping up on him as he ran away from the deafening explosions. Jesse was a few paces ahead of him, and he looked up, to see cracks in the ceiling. The panic had kicked in, and Lukas stood there, frozen in terror, knowing he was too slow to make it out alive. It took jesse a moment to realize the pair of frantic footsteps behind him had vanished. The temple rumbled and shook, Lukas covering his ears to stop the ringing. He saw an explosive about to ignite, and had one last attempt to flee, unfortunately tripping over his own feet in a sense of panic, and then the explosive went off. Lukas braced himself, not knowing what to expect, having only seen Axel mess around with explosives. He was immediately slammed into the wall, smashing the side of his head into the uneven stone, falling back to the floor, landing hard on his shoulder, lying on the unforgiving hard stone floor. The smoke was blinding, making it nearly impossible to see the exit. The other part of the temple had completely gave way, crumbling apart into a pile of stone. Within seconds, the ceiling of the area where Lukas was had given way, large pieces of stone falling down, one of them hitting Lukas in the head. Lukas got up, wiping the blood away from his forehead, which was seeping out of him and running down his face. He looked around for an exit, vision extremely blurred, as he fought unconsciousness. He felt it hard to breathe, struggling to take in oxygen, trembling violently as he forced himself to get out of the mostly fallen apart temple. He found a hole that was created by the explosion, crawling through it and stumbling onto the grass. The sunlight was blindingly bright, making him even more dizzy. "Lukas?" A voice said from behind, and lukas heard multiple pairs of footsteps sprinting towards him; someone lifting him up. They were at the entrance of the temple. "Jesse..Where's Jesse?" Lukas said, his voice slurred as he sat up from his position. "He went back in the temple to look for you..." Olivia said, helping Lukas up. "You're bleeding a lot." Petra muttered, glancing at Lukas. "Jesse! I need to go find him.." Lukas said, taking a few unsteady steps forward. "No! You're staying here!" Petra said, as she ventured into the remains of the temple. "If i'm not back in a few minutes...assume the worst has happened." Petra said, taking a deep breath before holding her sword in front of herself and entering the temple remains. "Jesse! Where are you?" Petra said, cringing at how loud her voice was. "Petra!" Jesse's voice echoed off the walls, confusing Petra on his whereabouts. "By the exit!" Jesse said, the end of the sentence slightly cut off by him coughing. "I'm coming!" Petra said, her heart beating rapidly when she saw some blood on the wall. She found Jesse, thankfully unscathed except for the fact that his right eye was swollen, and a small gash on his elbow. "Come on, let's get out of here." Petra said, offering a hand to Jesse, helping him up. "Are you okay?" Petra asked, putting her sword back into her sheath. "Yes, I'm fine! Where's Lukas?" Jesse asked, his voice quavering at the end of the sentence. "Uhhh..he's..been better..." Petra said, her voice trailing off. Jesse's heart sunk, running for the exit, finding lukas lying near a tree, Olivia talking to him. "Oh my god, what happened?" Jesse asked, looking at Lukas, dried blood on his face. "It..collapsed." Lukas said, briefly. "We're going home." Jesse said, helping Lukas up. "Did you hurt anything else?" Petra asks, noticing how Lukas had been holding his shoulder, looking uncomfortable. Lukas remained silent, looking down shamefully. 

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