The Eleventh Hour (1)

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"How was the interview?" Rory asks, walking up to Poppy who was sat on a bench.

"How was work? I thought you had another shift today?" She asks avoiding the question

"I was told to take some time off after y'know," Rory sits next to her

"Seeing coma patients?"

"Why does no one else believe me?"

"Eh, I've seen some weird stuff in my time,"

"You're literally like 2 years older than me,"

"Meh," Poppy looks around "hey, isn't that one?" she points to a man holding a dog and Rory jumps up, grabbing his phone "I'll take that as a yes," she throws her bag over her shoulder and runs forward.

"Rory," she says uncertainly, looking up at the sky


"Look at the sun,"

Rory complies "what the hell? What's wrong with it?"

"I don't think it's the sun that's the problem. I think it's a barrier, a forcefield of some sort," Poppy rummages in her bag, ignoring the pair of heels she wore to the interview "shit, where is it?" her screwdriver is buried deep so she gives up.

Meanwhile, The Doctor was trying to convince Amy to let him go. He could see Poppy; he knew something about Leadworth sounded familiar. Only a Post Office. Amy finally lets him go and he runs over to Rory and Poppy.

He grabs Rory's phone and looks him in the eye, ignoring Poppy for the moment

"The sun's going out, and you're photographing a man and a dog. Why?"

"Amy," Rory says confused and Poppy stares at The Doctor. It was definitely him. He had his old clothes on still and looked how Amy described.

"She never said you were hot," Poppy muttered and The Doctor fought the urge to smirk.

"Hi! Oh, this is Rory, he's a friend. And Poppy, she lives with me,"


"Kind of boyfriend,"

"Kind of thought we were good friends," Poppy says

"Amy," Rory looks to her

"Man, and dog. Why?" The Doctor gives up on Rory and turns to a still shocked Poppy. Rory and Amy argue about him being 'The' Doctor.

"Because he can't be there. Because he's..."

"In a hospital, in a coma," Poppy, The Doctor and Rory chorus.

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