The Curse Of The Black Spot {TWO}

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A/N: I just realised this book is nearly done - I... There will be a sequel ( or threequel of you count the first book), but I'm shocked I've got this far since I've had this plot in my head for years, then I finally wrote it and now I'm nearly on the third book. Just ahhhh. That being said, comments and votes are really appreciated as it really is the only thing keeping me going!

 That being said, comments and votes are really appreciated as it really is the only thing keeping me going!

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Poppy awakes to thunder and the ship rocking, there's shouting above deck and her and Rory rush up. When they come out on deck, rain is pouring down and lightning is flashing, it's clearly a storm.

"To the rigging, you dogs! Let go the sails. Avast ye! Put the bunt into the slack of the clews!" Avery shouts and Amy, Rory and Poppy stare at him as they attempt to keep the ship still.

"I swear he's making half this stuff up!" Amy shouts

"Well, we're going to need some kind of phrase book!"

"I'm sure the TARDIS has one!" Poppy screams before looking over at The Doctor who's at the wheel, "oh wait, she's gone!"

"Toby! Find my coat. My compass is inside it, boy," Aveley tells his son "Heave ho, you bilge rats,"

"Rats was all I could hear!" Rory gestures to his ear as rain continues to pour down and a wet strand of hair gets stuck in Poppy's mouth and she tries to get it out, Amy struggling to help as they keep pulling down the robes and cloth.

Toby returns with the coat, and the crown from earlier falls out and rolls along the deck, everyone stares at it in panic, unable to go anything as they try to stay on the ship and keep it sailing. The Siren comes out of the crown and flies up into the rigging, then descends again to the deck.

"Don't let her take you!" Toby stares and reaches out to the Siren "No!" his father shouts as Toby is gone in a puff of smoke. The Doctor runs over and throws the crown overboard, and the Siren disappears.

"You couldn't give up the gold, could you?! That's why you turned pirate! Your commission, your wife, your son! Just how much is that treasure worth to you, man?!" The Doctor shouts at him in anger and seconds later, A loose spar knocks Rory overboard.

"Shit!" Poppy and Amy rush over to the side

"Rory! Rory! I can't see him!" Amy starts to take off the coat she'd stolen earlier, ready to jump in, Poppy nearly right behind her "Doctor? I'm going in!" The Doctor grabs both women

"He's drowning. He's drowning! You two go in after him, you'll drown too. There's only one thing that can save him now!"

"What are you talking about?"

"The Siren. The Siren, she wants him. We have to release her!" he rushes over to fresh water barrel and the Siren zooms out, looking down at The Doctor in confusion, looking for Rory.

"He's drowning. Go and find him!" The Doctor points and the Siren dives into the sea.

"What, what did you do?!" Amy asks in panic

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