The Time of Angels (2)

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A/N - Comments mean a lot! Especially ones that react to certain things (commenting on certain paragraphs)


The once sleek spaceship is a burning wreck sticking out of a rock-carved building. River and Alex are watching it and The Doctor and his companions stand back slightly

"What caused it to crash?" River asks out loud

"Not us," Alex tells them.

"Nah, the airlock would've sealed seconds after you blew it. According to the Home Box, the warp engines had a phase shift. No survivors,"

"A phase shift would have to be sabotage. I did warn them," River sings, now typing things into a device.

"About what?" The Doctor says after a pause,

"Well, at least the building was empty. Aplan temple. Unoccupied for centuries," Alex informed them.

"Aren't you going to introduce us?" Amy points slightly to River "I know that's Alex...."

The Doctor doesn't seem to want to, but Poppy gives him an eyebrow raise and he introduces them reluctantly.

"Amy Pond, Professor River Song,"

"Ah, I'm going to be a Professor someday, am I?" She looks to Alex and Poppy "How exciting. But Anyway, spoilers,"

"Yeah, but who are they and how did they do that? They just left you a note in a museum,"

"Two things always guaranteed to show up in a museum. The Home Box of category four-star liner and sooner or later," River pauses "Him. It's how he keeps score,"

"Oh, we know," Poppy laughs and The Doctor frowns, causing Alex to smile at the interaction

"It's hilarious, isn't it?" River looks back at the companions and they walk forward "Don't know why you're smiling," River raises an eyebrow at Alex "you do it to,"

"I do not!" Alex protests

"Yes, you do!"

"Shut up," Alex grumbles "I'm quite popular, I can't help it if a few things I fins end up there. Although, I did once find one of my teddy bears,"

"What?"" Poppy looks up at the woman

"Yeah, that's not there after I stole it," The women laugh and The Doctor comes in-between River and Alex

"I'm nobody's taxi service,"

"We're not going to be there to catch you every time you feel like jumping out of a space ship," Poppy began

"And you are so wrong,"

"You always come for us," Alex admits quietly. She had a sudden wave of sadness, as if she'd just realised something horrifying.

"There's one survivor. There's a thing in the belly of that ship that can't ever die," River informs them

"Now he's listening," Poppy notes, noting The Doctor's eyes travel back to River and her relative.

River picks up her communicator when its beeps "You lot in orbit yet? Yeah, I saw it land. I'm at the crash site. So's Alexandra, I haven't killed her yet. It was a joke! Anyway, try and home in on my signal," River raises it up In the air "Alex, would you be a dear and sonic me? I need to boost the signal so we can use it as a beacon!"

Alex audibly groans and digs through a bag River had suddenly acquired. She rolls her eyes and brings out the blue object, pointing it up at River. She curtsy's as a thank you.

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