The Time of Angels (1)

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If Poppy's outfit doesn't load:

A man in a uniform is standing in the middle of a field, with a smudge of lipstick on his face

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A man in a uniform is standing in the middle of a field, with a smudge of lipstick on his face. He appears to be rather dizzy. A man in a suit walks up to him.

"It's a beautiful day," The guard says dreamily and the man in a suit wipes the lipstick of the corner of his mouth with a silk handkerchief.

The real location is a ship corridor

"Hallucinogenic lipstick. She's here," The man sees another spot of lipstick "they're here," he says darkly.


Two women stride along in an evening dresses, one in a pair of ridiculously high heels, the other is wearing decently sized ones.

The two are clearly in separate corridors, one shoots out a door lock with a small pistol and enters a small strong room. The other takes out a familiar looking sonic device and breaks open the other door, entering the same room.

The pistol is then converted into an acetylene torch, the woman in shorter heels cuts into the surface of a box.

-----------12,000 years later-----------

The Doctor is commenting on the labelling of the various exhibits whilst Poppy and Amy follow. Poppy much more eager, even though she's further behind and actually looking at the objects properly.

"Wrong. Wrong. Bit right, mostly wrong. I love museums,"

"Yeah, great. Can we go to a planet now? Big space ship? Churchill's bunker? You promised me a planet next,"

"Museums are cool!" Poppy defends, jogging up to meant them "I mean, history around you,"

"Alright, History girl," Amy mocks and both The Doctor and Poppy stiffen "what?"

"Nothing," They both brush it off.

"Anyway, Amy, this isn't any old asteroid. It's the Delerium Archive, the final resting place of the headless monks. The biggest museum ever,"

Headless monks, that sounded terrifying to Poppy. And somehow, she knew a lot about them.

"You've got a time machine. What do you need museums for?" Amy asks boardly

"Wrong. Very wrong. Ooo, one of mine. Also, one of mine," he keeps commenting on the labels.

"You're taking score," Poppy realises, in between looking at a spoon

"He is! Oh my God!" Amy agrees, laughing and pointing at The Doctor who was suddenly very taken by a square box in a case.

"Oh great, an old box,"

"I agree with Amy on this one,"

"It's from one of the old star liners. A Home Box," The Doctor explains

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