The Beast Below (1)

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A/N - So, series 12 trailer is out. How are we feeling about it?


Amy is floating in space, with The Doctor holding on to her ankle from the open door of the TARDIS. Poppy is leaning against the door watching, a smile on her face.

"Come on, Pond!" The Doctor pulls Amy in and Poppy supports her as her feet hit The TARDIS floor "Now do you believe me?!"

"Okay, your box is a spaceship. It's really, really a spaceship. We are in space!" she shouts into the stars "What are we breathing?"

"I've extended the air shell. We're fine,"

"What is that?" Poppy asks when she looks down below where the TARDIS is floating. A city made of metal was there.

"Now that's interesting. Twenty ninth century. Solar flares roast the earth, and the entire human race packs its bags and moves out till the weather improves. Whole nations..." The Doctor runs back to the console and the doors close.

"Doctor?!" Amy shouts from somewhere

"Migrating to the stars,"

"Doctor?!" it's Poppy this time

"Isn't that amazing?!" he looks to where he thought Poppy and Amy should be

"Doctor, you twat!" He finally hears Poppy scream and he runs over to the doors. The blonde and ginger glare at him.

"Sorry" he says sheepishly before pulling both in "Well, come on. I've found us a spaceship,"


The trio are standing by a window thing which is looking out into the country "This is the United Kingdom of Britain and Northern Ireland. All of it, bolted together and floating in the sky. Star ship UK. It's Britain, but metal. That's not just a ship, that's an idea. That's a whole country, living and laughing and..." The Doctor looks for a different word than dying

"Shopping," Poppy suggests and he smiles at her

"Searching the stars for a new home,"

"Can we go out and see?" Amy asks eagerly before The Doctor walks over to the console again

"Course we can. But first, there's a thing," he brings a magnifying glass up to his eye and Poppy giggles. That was new, she never usually 'giggled' it was more snorting or just laughing outrageously.

"A thing?" Amy asks

"An important thing. In fact, Thing One. We are observers only. That's the one rule I've always stuck to in all my travels. I never get involved in the affairs of other peoples or planets," Poppy scrunches up her nose in confusion before letting out a light laugh

"I beg your pardon?"

"What?" The Doctor looks genuinely confused and taps Poppy's nose before looking at the scanner, a little girl appears, but she's crying. "Ooo, that's interesting,"

"So, we're like a wildlife documentary, yeah? Because if they see a wounded little cub or something, they can't just save it, they've got to keep filming and let it die," Amy starts and Poppy looks at her in shock, she'd never thought of it like that. But the Doctor always got involved

"It's got to be hard. I don't think I could do that. Don't you find that hard, being all, like, detached and cold?" Amy looks to where The Doctor should be, but instead she sees him talking to the girl.

"Doctor?" He gestures for them to join him.

Amy smiles excitedly before grabbing Poppy's hand and dragging her out the TARDIS "Welcome to London Market. You are being monitored," A female voice speaks out of speakers.

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