The Impossible Astronaut {ONE}

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A/N: didn'twrite 'A Christmas Carol' because it isn't Christmas and I just couldn't writeit. I might write it near Christmas and just add it in the correct place.

"Where're you taking me?" Poppy asks for the fifth time whilst The Doctor runs around the console

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"Where're you taking me?" Poppy asks for the fifth time whilst The Doctor runs around the console

"Somewhere nice, don't worry," he winks and she rolls her eyes, dramatically falling onto the jump seat "come on, we saved the Ponds from death at Christmas and the TARDIS appearing inside the TARDIS, you deserve a treat,"

"Fine," she reluctantly agrees

Less than a minute later, The Doctor was dragging her to the doors "Go on then," he gestures outside

"Why aren't you coming?"

"I can't" he answers simply before turning around and rummaging around in a box by the door, he pulls out a handbag

"Doesn't really suit you dear," Poppy smirks

"Oh shush," he passes it to her "two spa things and enough money for whatever you want whilst there,"

"Where is there,"

"Not quite sure, now off you go," he goes to push her out the door, but she stops him and gives him a quick kiss

"Love you," she shouts as the door slams behind her and the door opens slightly as he says the same before the TARDIS disappears. Poppy looks around and a bright smile overtakes her face when she realises where she is "Oh, I really do love him," she puts the bag over her shoulder and rings the doorbell, hearing a familiar voice shout for her husband to get it, who responds with a 'you're closer'.

The door swings open and the ginger sighs when she sees Poppy "You're late,"


"By two years,"

"Who is it Donna?!" Shaun shouts from what Poppy assumed to be the living room

"No one important!" she shouts back, crossing her arms and glaring at her (ex) best-friend.

"Oi!" Poppy says "I was your best friend far before you met Nerys,"

"Nerys," Donna tries to hold in a laugh, but when she sees Poppy doing the same, they both start.

"I'm really sorry about not responding to your calls or texts, or visiting you,"

"It's not me you should be saying sorry to, it' gramps!"

"Is he okay,"

"Oh, you know him, always looking up at the stars. Like he's looking for something,"

"Sounds like him," Poppy nods "I have a way to make it up to you," she promises and Donna raises an unimpressed eyebrow and leans on the door frame "two places at a posh spa in central London,"

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