Cold Blood (1)

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So, I haven't updated in like three months. But here I am! So sorry it took so long.

Comments and votes mean a lot! I try to respond to comments when I can and when I can think of something to say.

Comments and votes mean a lot! I try to respond to comments when I can and when I can think of something to say

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"Don't you come near me with that!" Poppy shouts and the creature seems to listen as he goes over to Amy first who is struggling much more than Poppy.

The scientist then makes an audio note "From the clothing, the first human female appears to be more resistant to the cold than the male and the second female,"

"I dressed for Rio!"

"Leave her alone. You've got me!" the man tries to stop him but Amy's wrists are clamped tighter, she groans in pain as something is stabbed into her wrist.

"Decontamination complete. Commencing dissection," he brings the scalpel close to her stomach and Amy struggles.

"Area Seventeen incursion. Species diagnostic requested. Area Seventeen incursion. Species diagnostic requested," A tannoy rings out and the scientist runs off

"Yeah, and stay out!" Amy shouts after him

"How're we getting out of this one?" Poppy moans and Amy smirks before flashing something in Poppy's line of sight.

"Oh, Amy Pond you are brilliant," Amy presses the button on the device and frees herself before helping Poppy out, then the other man (Mo).

"How did you get that?"

"You never picked a lizard man's pocket?" she flashes the device and smirks.

"Come on, before he gets back," Poppy jerks her head indicating the doorway where they should leave.

The three walks through tunnels as Mo keeps asking questions "That creature, do you think it was an alien? Any more of them, do you think? Do you think the Earth's been invaded?"

"Don't know. But I know someone who could have some answers. We need to get back to the surface and find him," Amy says, referring to The Doctor "I wonder where this leads," she points to a door.

"Maybe it's a way out of here,"

Poppy presses a button on a wall panel. A screen lights up, then the area behind the door. It is a stasis alcove, and Elliot is inside.

"Oh, my God, no," Mo mutters

"What is it?" Poppy asks before pushing him aside, when she sees it's Elliot her heat drops, how did he get down here? What had happened while her and Amy were asleep? Wait, was Rory okay?

"It's my son. It's Elliot. What've they done to him? He's in there. We have to get him out. Elliot? Elliot, it's Dad," Mo bangs on the glass

"Access denied. Unauthorised genetic imprint," The computer's automated voice rings out.

"Stop. Seriously, we can't get in," Poppy grabs him

"That's my boy in there!"

"These screens, they're monitoring something. I think they're vital signs. Heartbeats, pulses. Why else would he be wired up? He's still alive," Amy tries to help.

"All right. We find weapons, get that creature from the lab and force it to release Elliot, yeah?"

"Yeah. Trust us. We'll get him out,"


The three continue on and Amy stops at three of the many chambers "These chambers are all over the city,"

"Let's take a look then," Poppy presses a button and three light up, they contain Silurians (or the lizard creatures as Poppy had named them).

"Turn it off, quick!" Mo says in a panic and Poppy does so, but nothing happens other than the light turning off "They're not moving,"

"Maybe they're asleep," Amy notes "Poppy, take another look,"

This time, the lights turn on and the chambers glass comes up, Amy starts to go in one but Poppy stays back with Mo.

"No, Amy, don't. Don't," Mo tries to stop her and Poppy rolls her eyes "Amy, what are you doing? Get out of there,"

"Some sort of suspended animation. I wonder what these are?"

"I don't know, but the Darth Vader breathing is really creeping me out," Poppy crosses her arms

"The Doctor would know. The Doctor always knows," Amy mutters

"Hey, look," Mo points and above the two Silurians are tunnels heading straight up.

"Wait. I've got it. It's how they came up to the surface. Some sort of powered transport discs,"

"It's our way out of here," Poppy adds

"Even better. Weapons. Come on, now we can fight back," Mo starts to take their guns and Poppy stands their awkwardly.

"Poppy?" Amy questions when she doesn't grab one

"Sorry," Poppy takes one but hoped she wouldn't have to use it, she didn't want to explain to The Doctor how she found out she was great at violence and combat when working with Jack. The girl could do more than just handle herself.

Poppy switches off the chambers.

"Which way now?"

"Door at the end," Amy says with confidence, walking forward

"Are you sure?"

"Nope!" Both women say

When they open the door, it leads to a balcony overlooking a vast chamber, containing warriors as far as the eye can see.

"We don't stand a chance," Mo mutters

"We have to find the Doctor," Amy tells Poppy



"Oh, lovely place. Very gleaming," Poppy smirks when she hears The Doctor's voice, god she missed him and they hadn't even been apart that long

"This is our court and our place of execution,"

"Let them go!" Amy shouts, storming in

"God, don't scream in my ear Christ," Poppy walks forward,

"Poppy Watcher and Amy Pond. There's girls to rely on," Poppy winks at The Doctor.

"You're covered both ways, so don't try anything clever, buster,"

"Buster?" Poppy questions quietly

"Now let them go, or I shoot," Amy warns

"Maybe not the best idea Amy," Poppy notes the lizard women's body language and gets ready to grab her.

"I'm warning you," The women disarms Amy and goes for Poppy

"Don't touch her!" The Doctor warns the women but Poppy's already too quick and throws her gun over to where The Doctor and Naseem are standing, hitting the women and working her way over to The Doctor all in a few fluid motions.

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