A Good Man Goes To War {TWO}

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"On this day, in this place, the Doctor will fall," The soldiers cheer and Poppy rolls her eyes

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"On this day, in this place, the Doctor will fall," The soldiers cheer and Poppy rolls her eyes. Manton was doing another one of his speeches and Poppy was forced to watch from her room yet again.

"The man who talks, the man who reasons, the man who lies, will meet the perfect answer," they cheer again.

"Some of you have wondered why have we have allied ourselves with the Headless Monks. Perhaps you should have wondered why we call them Headless. It's time you knew what these guys have sacrificed for faith," The three monks' step forward and Poppy's eyes widen "As you all know, it is a Level One Heresy, punishable by death, to lower the hood of a Headless Monk. But by the divine grant of the Papal Mainframe herself, on this one and only occasion, I can show you the truth," Poppy rushes to a side table, grabbing a pair of simple black glasses. She never wore them because she didn't care for the speeches, but now things were getting interesting 

"Because these guys never can be persuaded," Colonel Manton lowers one Monk's hood. It has no head, just the skin of the neck tied off.

"Oh my god..."

"They never can be afraid," A second hood is lowered and everyone's greeted with the same sight.

"And they can never, ever be..." the third hood is taken off by the monk, and gasps fill the room as Poppy smiles.

"Surprised! Ha, ha!" The Doctor laughs, stepping forward "Hello, everyone! Guess who. Please, point a gun at me if it helps you relax," The entire army takes aim and the Monks get their flaming swords ready "You're only human,"

"The cheek," Poppy mutters, still watching, now with crossed arms as she waits for her rescue, enjoying the show.

"Doctor, you will come with me right now," Colonel Manton orders, a gun aimed at The Doctor

"Three minutes forty seconds," The Doctor tells him before shouting out "Amelia Pond! Poppy Watcher! Get your coats!" The lights go out for a few seconds and Poppy tries to look through the glass before they turn back on.

"I'm not a phantom," The Doctors' voice echoes but he's nowhere to be seen.

"Doctor?" Manton turns around in circles, looking for him

"I'm not a trick,"


"I'm a monk,"

"Doctor, show yourself,"

"It's him! He's here! It's him!" Someone shouts and the army turns on the monks who respond. A soldier shoots a monk.

"Weapons down! Do not fire!" A monk kills a soldier and Poppy watches Madame Kovarian leave with two soldiers.


Two soldiers are tied up and sitting on the floor, Alex is watching them carefully as Vastra and Jenny watch on the screens

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