The Impossible Astronaut {TWO}

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"You got 4, I was 5, Poppy was 1, Alex was 3 and, Mister Delaware was 6," River explains to Rory as they enter the diner

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"You got 4, I was 5, Poppy was 1, Alex was 3 and, Mister Delaware was 6," River explains to Rory as they enter the diner.


"So, where's 2?" Alex continues as Poppy and Amy stand still where they sat hours ago

"What, you think he invited someone else?"

"Well, he must have. He planned all of this, to the last detail,"

"Will you two shut up? It doesn't matter," Poppy tells them sadly

"He was up to something,"

"He's dead," Amy continues, her and Poppy staring at where he sat.

"Space, 1969. What did he mean?" Alex asks River and Rory

"You're still talking, but it doesn't matter," Amy says bitterly

"Hey, it mattered to him," Rory reminds her

"So, it matters to us,"

"He's dead," Poppy repeats what Amy said earlier and River grabs her hand comfortingly

"But he still needs us. I know. Poppy, Amy, I know. But right now, we have to focus,"

"Look," Rory points to a table in the far end where a blue envelope lays on it "Excuse me, who was sitting over there?" Rory asks the waiter behind the bar.

"Some guy,"

Alex picks up the envelope with a '2' on it "The Doctor knew he was going to his death, so he sent out messages. When you know it's the end, who do you call?"

"Er, your friends. People you trust," Rory guesses

"Number 2," River mutters, reading over Alex's shoulder "number opine was who he trusted the most," everyone stares at Poppy

"So, 2 was, who he trusted after one?" Poppy finally tried to get over her trance. The door behind River and Alex swings open and number two is revealed.

"This is cold," Alex glares

"Even by your standards, this is cold," River continues

"Or 'hello', as people used to say!"

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