Amy's Choice (4)

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A/N: Just the usual reminder about comments and votes motivating me to write, (I understand how annoying these messages get but I'm anxious in general and overthink things meaning chapters get put out way slower)

A/N: Just the usual reminder about comments and votes motivating me to write, (I understand how annoying these messages get but I'm anxious in general and overthink things meaning chapters get put out way slower)

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There is a thick layer of frost over everything, Amy is holding Poppy in her arms, trying to warm both them up. The Dream Lord appear by both of them

"Poor Amy and Poppy. He always leaves you, doesn't he, alone in the dark. Never apologises," The Dream Lord teases

"He doesn't have to," Poppy mutters

"That's good, because he never will," Amy stands up and leaves Poppy sat on the stairs with The Dream Lord "And now he's left you two with me. Spooky old, not to be trusted me. Anything could happen,"

"Who are you, and what do you want? The Doctor probably knows by now, but he's not telling me who he thinks you are. And he always does. Takes him a while sometimes, but he tells me. So, you're something different,"

"Oh, is that who you think you are? The one he trusts?" The Dream Lord laughs

"Actually, yes,"

"The only girl in the universe to whom the Doctor tells everything?" The Dream Lord stage whispers "more than Poppy,"


The Dream Lord actually starts laughing now and Poppy feels a stab to her heart "you think he trusts you more than her," she stands up and gets close to Amy "So what's his name?"

Amy's silent for a moment "even Poppy doesn't know that!"

"Oh, spoilers dear," The Dream Lord pops pack by Poppy who was just crawled up in a ball "Now, which one of these men would you really choose? Look at them. You ran away with a handsome hero. Would you really give him up for a bumbling country doctor who thinks the only thing he needs to be interesting is a ponytail?"

"Stop it,"

"But maybe it's better than loving and losing the Doctor. Pick a world, both of you," The Dream Lord turns to Poppy "and this nightmare will all be over. They'll listen to you Amy. It's you they're waiting for. Amy's men. Amy's choice," Amy wraps Rory up in his poncho more and Poppy smiles at the gesture.

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