The Curse Of The Black Spot {ONE}

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A/N: Comments and votes are appreciated! 

Poppy was sat in the kitchen, having been told to stay in the ship for the last few adventures

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Poppy was sat in the kitchen, having been told to stay in the ship for the last few adventures. The TARDIS had picked up a distress signal and The Doctor, Amy and Rory had gone to investigate. A strong cup of tea was sat in front of her and she tentatively sipped it, bored out of her mind. The setting reminded her of the conversation her and The Doctor had had the other night.

Poppy leant against the cupboards by the sink as the kettle boiled, she was dressed in her pyjamas - some blue bottoms and a loose white t-shirt - and The Doctor gently knocked on the door. "It's your kitchen, you don't have to knock," Poppy reminds him.

"You're wearing your glasses," The Doctor notes awkwardly and Poppy raises an eyebrow

"Well yes, I can't wear contacts forever,"

"While, you were kidnapped..." The Doctor starts and Poppy's eyes widen

"Look, I don't remember a lot..."

"You said you thought you were pregnant, and that you're no longer..."

"Oh," Poppy sighs, trying to avoid eye contact as The Doctor got closer "Yeah, I guess I wasn't pregnant to start with," The Doctor grabs her hand gently.

"Did you want to be? I mean, would you have a wanted a kid with me?"

"I thought it would be the other way around!" Poppy exclaims "I thought you wouldn't have wanted it with human. Y'know what would that even be? I mean 50/50 DNA can only do so much. Would it have a heart and a half? Would it even survive?" Poppy starts rambling and The Doctor quickly kisses her.

"Well, we don't have to worry" Poppy finally breathes out.

"Yeah... "The Doctor looks down at her stomach and Poppy looks up.

"You okay?"

"Yeah!" his happy façade is back "I just think maybe you should stay here for a bit, let me, Amy and Rory deal with the universe - just whilst you're still feeling ill,"

"Yeah, "Poppy agrees.

The TARDIS starts shaking and Poppy looks up "What's up with you?" it doesn't respond and Poppy sighs, working her way to the console room where she hoped The Doctor would be. 

And he is, with a pirate

"Okay, she's had her little sulk. Now she's heading for the full-on screaming tantrum!"

"Can you fix it?" The pirate asks

"What's going on?!" Poppy shouts from by the stairs, trying to hold on

"Ah Poppy! Meet Captain Avery!" he gestures "Now, the parametric engines are jammed. Orthogonal vector's gone. I'm almost out of ideas!"


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