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The woman groans, sitting up as her skirt slips

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The woman groans, sitting up as her skirt slips. She looks down at herself "I need new clothes..." she realises, sitting still as her mind processes what Just happened.

The Doctor finally gets the door into the room open and he quickly rushes into the room. The brunette looks up at him "Is it normal to feel really tired, but also like I've taken several class A drugs?"

"Probably..." The Doctor answers quickly, using his sonic to scan her, the results don't really shock him at this point and he kneels beside her, checking her over "How do you feel?" he asks.

"Fine," she grabs her skirt "I might need a belt, or an entirely new wardrobe. I'm thinking dungarees. Oooo, dungarees and a leather jacket... maybe with some dangly Jewellery. Would that work? Who cares!" she reaches up to touch her hair and brings a strand in front of her "Oh, brunette..."

"I hate to break this, but we have to go warn Amy that her children are flesh avatars..."

"Wait... does that mean Alexan..." she trails off and The Doctor helps her stand up


"I'm gonna kill that bit -"

"Bigger issues!" The Doctors shouts as he starts to sprint off before turning around "Wait, what's happening up there," he points to her head

"Oh, everything's there and I'm very pissed off. You should probably call me Willow," she then laughs "I can't believe I thought my name was Poppy Watcher...Honestly" she shakes her head as she walks past The Doctor "We have to go explain this to my parents!" and they're off, running to warn Amy... even if it's too late.

A/N: And so it's finished

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A/N: And so it's finished... 

I'll put the prologue up on the next book once the cover's finished and I'll post a part here when that's done and ready.  I honestly can't believe this is finished...just AHHHHH. How're you all feeling? What do you think now everything's revealed after two long books?

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