The Doctor's Wife {THREE}

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"It's gone!" The Doctor shouts, rushing back into the room where Poppy was leant against a wall, breathing heavily as the TARDIS seemed to be meditating in the corner

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"It's gone!" The Doctor shouts, rushing back into the room where Poppy was leant against a wall, breathing heavily as the TARDIS seemed to be meditating in the corner.

" Eaten?"

" No, it left. Not eaten, hi-jacked. But why?" The Doctor then turns to Poppy "Are you okay?"

"Yeah... " Poppy breathes out "just got a bit of a stomach ache. And the armpit smell is making me feel a bit light-headed. I'll be fine," she turns to look at him and gives him a small smile "just focus on getting Amy, Rory and the TARDIS back," Auntie and Uncle start talking and it turns out they're dying, they collapse and The Doctor shouts at the bodies - annoyed.

" Not dead. You can't just die!"

"We need to go to where I landed, Doctor, quickly," the TARDIS stands


" Because we are there in three minutes. We need to go now," she then also stumbles, grabbing her side "Ow. Roughly how long do these bodies last?" The Doctor scans her

" You're dying,"

"Yes, of course I'm dying. I don't belong in a flesh body. I could blow the casing in no time. No, stop it. Don't get emotional!" she points " Hmm. That's what the orangey girl says. You're the Doctor. Focus,"

"On what? How? I'm a madman with a box, without a box!" I'm stuck down the plughole at the end of the universe on a stupid old junkyard," he then turns to Poppy, who's right hand is on the wall as she turns to look at him " Ooo,"

" Ooo what?" she asks her boyfriend as he gets closer

" I'm not,"

" Not what?"

"Because it's not a junkyard. Don't you see? It's not a junkyard,"

"What is it then?"

" It's a TARDIS junkyard!" he kisses her forehead in excitement before going to rush out, Poppy stands properly and The Doctor spins to look at the TARDIS " Oh, sorry. Do you have a name?"

"Seven hundred years, finally he asks,"

"But what do I call you?"

"I think you call me Sexy,"

"Sorry?" Poppy looks up at The Doctor laughing

"But flower calls me Stunning,"

"What?" they both stare at each other in shock

"Only when we're alone!" both then tell the TARDIS

"Well, now you both know, and we are alone," the TARDIS starts walking

"Are we both dating the TARDIS?" Poppy asks


"Come on then, Thief and Flower!"

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