The Impossible Astronaut {THREE}

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"Ex FBI. Got kicked out," Alex reads off the scanner


"It's not specific," Alex tells The Doctor

"Six weeks after he left the Bureau, the President contacted him for a private meeting,"

"1969. Who's President?" River asks, walking over to Alex and The Doctor

"Richard Milhous Nixon," Alex calls over to her

"Vietnam, Watergate. There's some good stuff, too,"

"Not enough," The Doctor mutters

"Hippie!" River accuses


Alex rolls her eyes in boredom, clearly having gotten used to the bickering.

"Okay, since I don't know what I'm getting into this time, for once I'm being discreet. I'm putting the engines on silent," The Doctor runs around the console again, he pulls a lever and there is a wail. Alex throws a different switch and it goes quiet "Did you do something?" The Doctor asks her, watching where she stood so close to the controls.

"No, just...watching," she lies, tucking a stand of hair behind her ear

"Putting the outer shield on invisible. I haven't done this in a while. Big drain on the power,"

"You can turn the TARDIS invisible?" Rory asks as The Doctor keeps fiddling about with buttons and levers

"Very nearly," River mutters to him as she leans over and pulls another lever.

"Er, did you touch something?" The Doctor walks around to them all, eyeing River, Alex and Poppy suspiciously considering they were the only ones confident enough to do something to the TARDIS.

"Just admiring your skills," River covers for them

"Good. You lot might learn something," he gestures between the three women

"Oi!" Amy says, annoyed she wasn't included in having the capabilities to fly the TARDIS.

"Well, you know what happened last time I tried to teach you," The Doctor waves her off "That's why I only trust Rory to help me," The other women look at the couple uneasily, Alex and River smirking slightly.

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