The Big Bang (2)

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Hi, so... I stopped putting Authors notes in because I thought they were annoying people. But, my votes and comments have dropped quite dramatically and I'm worried no one likes my series anymore. I've been struggling to update for a while (since December) and when I finally get a hint of motivation, I feel like no one cares. Do you guys still like this series and want to know what happens?

The universe was rebooted, Amy and Rory were married, The Doctor was back yet Poppy was no-where to be seen

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The universe was rebooted, Amy and Rory were married, The Doctor was back yet Poppy was no-where to be seen. The after party was in full swing, guests were dancing, drinking, talking and overall having a great time. Yet, the bride and groom were sat in a corner with The Doctor, talking in hushed voices.

"Where on earth could she be?" Amy asks

"I'm back, and we were both erased," Rory takes a sip of his drink

"Yeah," The Doctor leans back in his chair and sighs "I guess, If I never existed, she'd never be in Leadworth,"

"That's is in fact true dear," The woman in question fell into a chair next to him, wearing a dark blue dress paired with the same boots she wore to Donna's wedding "Getting a train from London down here is not easy,"

"You're late," Amy smirks

"Oh, I never am early to these sorts of occasions. I didn't even turn up to one as was a bridesmaid at,"

"One way to piss off a bride," Rory jokes and Poppy and The Doctor smile at the memory

"Well, that wasn't the worst thing that happened that day,"

"So, how is the London life," Amy teases

"I've got a job," Amy raises an eyebrow "A shocker right? I've got a pretty cheap apartment as well. So, I guess everything turned out okay," they all nod "Now, is there free booze?"


Amy, Rory and Poppy watch as The Doctor dances with the children, teaching then a dance move Poppy had dubbed 'the giraffe'. He had already danced with all three of them - Rory was exhausted after The Doctor had forced him on the dancefloor with him.

"You're terrible. That is embarrassing!" Amy shouts

"That's it. That's good. Keep it loose," he explains to the kids

"Glad I'm not attached to that," Poppy mumbles into her glass

"Um, you kinda are,"

"Shut up Rory," He rolls his eyes "Shouldn't you two be snogging in the bathrooms?"

"I don't that's how it works," Rory laughs as The Doctor gestures for Poppy to go dance with him.

"That's what happened at the last wedding I went to," she stands up, winking at the bride and groom before grabbing the hands which The Doctor had stretched out to her "Please don't break me," he laughs before spinning her around, starting a ridiculous dance routine.

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