The Impossible Astronaut {FOUR}

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A/N: Hi... So, I know I haven't updated in a while but I'm working on other fics! I recently started an Umbrella Academy fanfiction and a new Sherlock one named Facades. I'm really happy with them and it'd mean a lot of you went and checked them out!

 I'm really happy with them and it'd mean a lot of you went and checked them out!

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"Jefferson isn't a girl's name

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"Jefferson isn't a girl's name. It's not her name either. Jefferson, Adams, Hamilton," The Doctor runs around the console, rapidly pressing buttons and pulling levers "River?"

"Surnames of three of America's founding fathers," she answers easily, fixing a few of The Doctor's mistakes.

"Lovely fellows. Two of them fancied me,"

"Are you okay? Coping?" Rory asks Canton

"You see, the President asked the child two questions. Where are you and who are you? Alex?"

"She was answering where,"

"It's bigger on the inside," Canton mutters, looking around him

"Yeah, you get used to it," Rory answers 

"Now, where would you find three big, historical names in a row like that?"

"Where?" Amy asks The Doctor as he goes it rush out the door

"Here. Come on,"

"It's er..." Canton stares at The Doctor

"Are you taking care of this?" The Doctor gestures to Rory

"Why is it always my turn?"

"Because you're the newest," Amy answers quickly, giving Rory a kiss on the cheek as she follows the others out the door where they step out into a dingy, cluttered place "Where are we?"

"About five miles from Cape Kennedy Space Centre. It's 1969, the year of the moon. Interesting, don't you think?" The Doctor is sat down on one of the chairs at a large centre table.

"But why would a little girl be here?" Poppy asks, walking over to him.

"I don't know. Lost me a bit," The Doctor stands and goes to the window as Poppy follows, leaving by where River was checking out a phone "The President asked the girl where she was, and she did what any lost little girl would do. She looked out of the window," He opens the blinds and they all peer out where the street sign points to Hamilton Av, Jefferson St and Adams St.

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