Victory of the Daleks (3)

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A/N - Votes and comments mean a lot (especially ones which react to certain paragraphs or thing that happen).

I also have a Pinterest bored for Poppy. It should hopefully come up when you look up 'Poppy Watcher' and look at boreds.


"Testimony accepted," It repeats

"Get back, all of you," The Doctor puts his hands out to protect Amy and Poppy.

"Marines! Marines, get in here," The two Marines who come through the door at the PM's command, are exterminated.

"Stop it, stop it, please. What are you doing? You are my Ironsides," Bracewell tries to stop them

"We are the Daleks,"

"Well, we've gotten somewhere at least," Poppy mutters

"But I created you,"

"No," The Dalek blows off Bracewell's left hand. It sparks and splutters "We created you," They start chanting 'victory' and teleport away.

"What just happened, Doctor?" Amy asks uncertainly

"I wanted to know what they wanted. What their plan was. I was their plan," He runs out, Poppy close behind. But it takes Amy a few seconds for everything to process before she's right behind them.

"Testimony accepted. That's what they said. My testimony," The Doctor explains as they run back to the TARDIS

"Don't beat yourself up, because you were right," The Doctor unlocks the TARDIS and Amy continues "So, what do we do? Is this what we do now? Chase after them?"

"This is what I do. yeah, and it's dangerous, so you wait here," he turns to Poppy "both of you,"

"What, so you mean we've got to stay safe down here?"

"In the middle of the London Blitz?" Poppy adds. How was this safe?

"Safe as it gets around me," He waves to Amy and grabs Poppy's head to kiss her hairline "bye," he runs into the TARDIS and they watch as it dematerialises.

"What's he expects us to do now?"

"KBO, of course," Churchill says from behind them

"What?" Both companions turn to face him.

"Keep buggering on," They cock their heads to the side in agreement, Poppy does it more animated and Amy is reminded of Rory. She's getting married, and is stuck in the London Blitz.


"Prime Minister," The woman from before enters


"Signal from RDF, sir. Unidentified object. Hanging in the sky, Captain Childers says. We can't get a proper fix, though. It's too far up," she hands him some documents

"What do you think, Miss Pond, Miss Watcher? The Doctor's in trouble and now we know where he is,"

"Yeah. Because he'll be on that ship, won't he? Right in the middle of everything," Amy looks to Poppy for conformation



"The generators won't switch off. The lights are on all across London, Prime Minister," A man informs them and Poppy rubs her forehead, she felt a headache coming on.

"Has to be them. It has to be the Daleks," Amy tells Churchill

"The Germans can see every inch of the city. We're sitting ducks. Get those lights out before the Germans get here!" the PM shouts

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